What does Gemini Sun and Scorpio Moon mean in your chart?

Do you have Scorpio Moon in your birth chart and your Sun in Gemini? Let us take a quick glance at what this can mean for you.


The emotional energy resources, which are strong when the sun or Ascendant sign is Scorpio, are in some ways even more potent with a Scorpio Moon. Known for your intense emotional sensitivity, feelings can be so instantly on tap, you overreact when provoked.  All kinds of reactions, both positive and negative, will be laced with vivid emotion.  Outbursts surprise those around you as other areas of your personality usually present a very different sort of person.


However; with your Sun in Gemini, you are driven with expression, information and mental stimulation that is more comfortable expressing yourself outwardly most of the time. This is not likely with Scorpio Moon and in fact is very uncomfortable.  This combination is interesting from a stand point that your energy is to be outspoken, with a tendency to be talkative, with a need to prove you have the answer.  Scorpio Moon is one to sit back and observe; taking action when necessary.  Although these signs are opposite in the way they think and this combination can be difficult. I feel that this is a great lesson that can promote growth.  Once you learn to tap into each of the traits that can alleviate the stress of this conflict, you can approach every situation with the grace and intellect others will admire.


Understand  that this is only a small interpretation to a greater chart and depending on the aspect (position of the planets as they sit in your chart) and what house they reside in, you may have other influences that can enhance or diminish these characteristic.


If you want to learn more about the Zodiac, Astrology and your chart please contact me to discuss upcoming events, workshops and receive you chart or reading.


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