Full Moon in Aries, October 5th, 2017



The October full Moon is also the Harvest Full Moon. The harvest full moon is when the moon is closest to the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of preparation for Winter. Native Indians saw this as the time to start hunting and gathering food and necessary essentials before Winter begins.

Aries Full Moon is full of fire and spice and everything nice. Passion and intensity will be a big part of this day and week. Feeling the need to fight for what you believe in is what it’s all about. This will come from a passion within that is not always apparent and obvious. It will be important to communicate your needs with love and tame the beast within that wants to be released. Although Mercury has a strong opposition to the Moon this can be overwhelming and it can be hard to find the appropriate words. All of this is happening in the house of one on one relationships and self needs.  Balancing the two is often difficult, however this is a time to let them work together for the greater good without judgement or guilt.

While normally the Full Moon is a time to sit back and let the Universe work for you, this Full Moon signals action (Aries) to prepare for shorter days and colder weather. As the bright Sun shines its light on the delicate Moon and exposing the emotional side of your life, Mercury is also sitting opposite the Moon demanding that these emotions are communicated and issues resolved.

The two great lovers of the Universe are having a romantic meet up right now and adds a second level of emotions to the mix. Mars and Venus have been chasing each other around the Zodiac for a long time now and finally they are together. Their meeting will not last long so use this energy to feel the connection with those you love. Add some excitement to the evening by sharing a candle light dinner with your family. Open your heart and mind to possibilities beyond your control and embrace your inner passion to make a difference in this world.

Aries full Moon is full of action, passion, war and peace. Like the Native Indians it is time to store your energy and harvest your love so you can concur the cold and dark moments in life.

Activate Your Universe has what you need to help you understand the energies that embrace you. Visit www.activateyourunivers.com and let me know what I can do for you.

 Leo New Moon, August 21, 2017

New Moon Leo: Charge forward with the creativity from your heart.  Take the opportunities to grow in areas that server you best. Love like there is no tomorrow!

 Leo New Moon, July 21, 2017

New Moons are a time to set intentions for the next Lunar Cycle; however, this New Moon is very special as we in the USA will experience a total Solar Eclipse. This time the Universe is asking you to set new intentions for life.  Whoa!! Heavy stuff, right?

This is eclipse season and you will have other opportunities to shift gears. However, with this New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Leo, we will see that it is important to focus on a life path that is in sync with our creative powers and emotional needs. As the Sun moves across the sky getting closer to the shadow of our Moon, there will be an emotional connection with what you want in life and where your passions begin.  This may require big changes, which I do not recommend until after Mercury turns direct on Sept. 5th – 7th; but the changes are necessary.  This could simply be understanding your current situation and learning to adjust your direction so that coping isn’t all you are doing.  It should be a big turning point for changing perception and becoming comfortable with who you are and where you are going.

Take your time in making big decisions; let them sit with you for a while and FEEL the outcome. Create your dream through imagination and joy, learn what will or will not work for you. The energy is intense as Mars is sitting directly on the other side of the Sun pushing his energy and expecting you to move things along.  This is not a bad thing as with great change come great stress and anxiety.  Mars is telling you to jump and that no decision is the wrong one.

The Sun is glowing in Leo and is sending the positive energy of self-love. This is giving you an opportunity to truly connect with your inner self. As the Moon shadows the sun, and crosses in its path it will shine the life light on your inner self exposing your inner emotions. This is a time to share without guilt or shame.  It is a time that some of you will experience an understanding of your own emotional intentions. That is not always apparent. Sometime you feel something that you can’t quite understand where it is coming from.  Well, this would be the time to have your clarity.

Pluto, Venus, and Jupiter are all working to make you dive deep into your soul and connect with your inner truth.  These are not always comfortable feelings and taking action can be quite shaking.  So hold on it’s a wild ride, but you can handle it.


“Stay in the light that shines deep within your heart; let Leo guide you to become the King of your own destiny.” 


Tracy Bruce



What is “Planetary DNA”

The time is now to www.ACTIVATEYOURUNIVERSE.com

Through astrology you are able to see your connection with the Universe. It will open the pathway to a galaxy of possibilities.

Take a journey with me and we will explore the nature of this precious gift I like to call your “Planetary DNA”.

The placement of the planets in the sky at any given time sends energy through-out the universe and depending on what constellation they are moving in determines how that energy is projected and received by everything in its path. Yes, that includes you! These cosmic beings have a specific pattern and generate a specific frequency and vibration that reacts to contact with all things. It is designed for a specific purpose. Astrology is the study of this energy and has been examined and documented for hundreds of thousands of years.  It is important to understand this energy and utilize it for all of its benefits and intentions.

How does this energy form your unique individual Planetary DNA? Let’s explore and you will begin to see it. The position of the Planets and Constellations is most important at the time of your birth. This is the beginning of your creation and life’s patterns. The moment you take your first breath, perceptions and receptions are awakening. They are awakening to the vibrations and frequency of the Universe. It is at this precise moment that your subconscious mind beings to develop and experience the world. It is the time that impressions are made as you see this life through your eyes. Life is about perception, you are only able to see what you see because you are not able to look through someone else’s eyes and even if you could those eyes would not be connected to the same mind. This life is only your reality!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could understand why you feel a certain way about someone or something? The Planets move and change locations within our galaxy moving through the Zodiac all the time, changing the energy at every moment. Your perception and reactions are all based on your Planetary DNA and determines what you see and how you see it.

Just like your DNA and your thumb print are unique to you, there are no two charts that are the same. It is really quite amazing how humans are created and how special you really are in every way.

Visit my site to learn more or contact me and we can explore your Planetary DNA together.



Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse (Aquarius) August 7, 2017

Full Moon Aquarius: The phase of the Full Moon is a time for rest and reflection, and is especially important with Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. The partial Lunar Eclipse will be, by far, the most impressive aspect for today. Hold on to your emotions because it will be a bumpy ride and an experience that you will not understand right away. Stay grounded and process your feelings before letting them out for others to see.


Today’s Aquarian Full Moon will have a profound effect on your emotional well-being and the power to shift your reality in big ways. The Moons reflection will be partially hidden and so will your emotions, not only to others but to yourself as well. As the Leo Sun sits opposite the Aquarian Moon, they are having a conversation about your relationship with yourself as opposed to your relationship with other people. Our Leo Sun highlights the relationship between the individual, meaning you; Do you love yourself? Do you take care of yourself? Are you living your life? and this Full Moon will make these questions a lot harder to answer. However, the Aquarian Moon wants you to disconnect from yourself and connect with how others feel. Do you see the conundrum?

Changing direction or making decisions will be difficult because your emotional attachment will want to be outward while your heart is looking inward so reality for you will become blurry. The Aquarian shadows come to light, at this time, adding more detachment from the flow of your own emotions and the realities of life. It is a time where you may see people whom you haven’t seen in a long time or those that are close to you will suddenly disappear, leaving you to question yourself.  Aquarian people like to be part of the pack; however, the Leo Sun is striving to make it on his own. Stay true to yourself do not make other people’s issues yours.  The energy is not there to support this action and can cause great problems for you in the future if you do not deal with moving within your own light today. Disconnection from your heart; over-attachment to holding on to the ideal life or perception of life are all part of this energy.

This is a nearing of the end that will bring new beginning as projects come to a close with respect to community, friendships and the giving of our own gifts to others. It is a time to reflect on your attachment to social activities as they may not be aligned with your hearts ambition. However, this is not an easy process with the energy being partially hidden as the Earth moves in the way of the light from our Leo Sun (Heart) and our emotional Aquarius Moon putting a fog over the ocean making it hard to see the rocks and waves.

The fog will lift, I promise, as a beautiful trine appears in the afternoon between the Moon and Jupiter. Let the light of Jupiter guide you and spend time in contemplation. Wait for a clear view and calmer seas before making any sudden moves. Open and free your mind to break free of those things that no longer serve you emotionally and let your light shine in your own unique way. Be an individual that contributes to the collective without compromising your own dreams. Don’t be rude or distasteful; however, strive for a clear path. This takes courage and belief in yourself. I believe in you…

“Stay in the light that shines deep within your heart; let Leo guide you to become the King of your own destiny.” 

Aquarius Full Moon, Intellectual, Community, and Detachment are all the part of this energy.



August, 2017 Monthy Horoscope Guide

Activate Your Universe


August 2017, Aries 21 March – 20 April…

As summer is coming to an end, its sticky hot and probably a little annoying by now. You are looking forward to cooler weather and a change of scenery.  Unfortunately, you will need to wait a little bit longer for these two things to happen but it will come soon. As always dear Aries you like to be prepared. The Leo Sun is in your 5th house of creativity and daily routines.  It is also the house Leo is most comfortable and therefore the light will shine brighter for you during this time.  In the beginning of the Leo Sun things can be a little annoying as it always is this time of year.  Shifting from the outdoor community fun in the sun back to routine and turning inward.  This energy is all about self… Ruled by the Sun and ruler of the heart. As the Sun skips through your 5th house you will feel bursts of energy, a booster shot of Vitamin “C” running through you. Look to channel that energy internally and prepare for your ultimate goals. This is a positive energy that will help you get through the mundane responsibilities that are necessary but not very fun. It will last through August 7th when the Lunar Eclipse shifts to a more emotional state of mind. The Full Moon is in Aquarius and will be full of dreamy thought and emotions. You have a chance to take a step forward in manifesting a different reality for yourself.  Remember this month is about you, however the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, will make it easier to see the inner connection with those around you without being emotional about the outcomes. Often times you want others to feel what you feel and it’s just not possible. This energy will be an enlightening experience that lets you look at the creative magic that sets us all apart from each other yet still we are all connected through love. It is also a good time to take a step back on all the planning you have been doing. There are several squares this month that contribute to a mood of self-preservation through creative outlets. August 2nd and 3rd will be good for communicating beliefs to others in order to form deeper connections all while staying true to yourself. Look for change is social status or possibly just your perception of this status. By mid-month the fires have been extinguished accept for a few embers that may still be smoldering in the back ground.  Let them burn as they will eventually go out too. If you choose to blow wind on them then the flames will get out of hand and cause anxiety and stress, something you definitely want to avoid this month. Your goal is to achieve balance in one on one relationships and look forward to a change of attitude towards them. August 12th is another date that will bring a different energy for you as Mercury goes retrograde. Anxieties will be high as communications may become a little more complicated, take a deep breath as this is only temporary. Making lists of “to dos” and following them will help decrease the intensity of this action. Mars is working for you in the creative department so finding solutions or taking action will not be an issue.  Mars is the great Warrior and will give you the energy to get through the day to day activities with fire and gusto. Take time to develop a healthy routine that includes the mind and heart combination. The New Moon in Leo on August 21 is also a Solar Eclipse and is an excellent time for making promises to yourself for the next coming month. Your mind set will be filled with positive, loving energy and will give you the openness to manifest your desires. Dreamy ideas will flood your thoughts of all the finer things life has to offer and will be shadowed by your emotional needs. It is a great time to put pen to paper and create your perfect world.

August 2017, Taurus 21 April – 21 May…

Look who is improving their living situation this month. Setting foundations for your future is something you strive to do on a regular basis, however this does not mean you are one to skimp on comfort. The Sun is resting in your 4th house of roots, home and family. As the Sun Moved into Leo a shift happens that takes the focus from nurturing others to nurturing self. So how does that work when the energy is about family?  Well it’s time to take care of yourself so you can comfortably provide for your family.   Mars is the driving force here and pushing you to your limits. Your journey in life has to be what you make it. Your career choice has to be your own, especially at this time. This is a good time to re-evaluate how your career affects your home life and what is the longevity. Planning ahead is different than setting a path and this month is about setting your path. The Adventurous Moon is urging you to take action and find your truth in what you want and it will be most apparent at the Lunar Eclipse, Aquarius Full Moon on August 7th when you are asked to reveal your emotional attachments to your family and deal with past issues. Your mood will lighten as you move into the middle of the month around the 12th and 13th. Mercury goes retrograde causing minor glitches that will cause you to throw your hands in the air and make fun of the situations. Finding solutions will become a self-fulfilling challenge, one that you are not afraid to accept.  Money will not be your primary goal at this time as it is a time for doing things for you with a strong need to be the King of your own castle. As you move through the month and closer to the New Moon, Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21st you will feel the need to create close bonds with siblings and loved ones.  This will definitely be on a more personal level, however not compromising your privacy.  The Full Moon Leo is one of that requires specific emotional needs that will seem to others as selfish and uncompromising.  This is in fact true for you Taurus, you are learning to set boundaries, teaching others how to treat you; without this, you have a potential to create unhealthy relationships that will not last.  Keeping your intentions pure and communicating them to your loved one is most important at this time. It’s probably best that you concentrate on yourself this month and make no commitments.  Setting your foundation in life is the best way to create a stable environment for your family’s future. You will feel these affects through the end of the month and possibly through the remainder of 2017. Look for a change in the way you approach your business or work, especially at the beginning of this month and look forward to the adventures spirit that wants to explore all your options.  Emotionally there could be conflict as these adventures are not conducive to the stability that you so desperately require.  Dreaming with your partner is an outlet that can help you get through this restless feeling with-out making drastic changes to your lifestyle.  Take some time for yourself so you can make clear decisions.  Misunderstanding your own emotional needs could result in tension that will resonate throughout the month.

August 2017, Gemini 22 May – 21 June…

WOW! This Leo Sun is really powerful for you Gemini. The Sun and Mars are working hard in your 3rd house where you normally feel most comfortable.  This is not true for you right now, however all is not lost.  Use all this nervous energy to accomplish big things. Look for unexpected resources that will benefit you monetarily around August 3rd.  Venus and the Moon are sitting across from each other having a conversation. Venus is giving you the love and positive energy in your house of resources sending your emotional moon signals to trust your gut. This won’t be easy as some lessons are hard to swallow and require a deeper understanding of yourself.  This is what Saturn is requesting from you right now.  It is important to mention that Leo Sun energy this month is specifically asking you to do what is best for you. Dear Gemini, you have a heart of gold, but others have a hard time seeing through it and this is the month that you don’t want to try and convince them. Instead it is about you understanding who you are and embracing your own self-love. The beginning of this month will have you struggling to find balance but this will get better through-out the month as you move closer to the Full Moon on August 7. The Full Moon is in Aquarius and is a partial Lunar Eclipse, hiding a little of your emotional energy and decreasing the power of the Sun. Using this decrease of energy to meditate and analyse how you work within relationships both internal and external. This process can be challenging; however, you have Jupiter looking out for your best interest and is pushing you to search for you own truth. Use this energy to truly ask yourself what you want. The energy is right on August 7th and once the Full Moon passes your Suns fire will set off the rocket to have you flying high on the possibilities. Towards the middle of the month you will want to take this new-found freedom and attitude out for a date and show it off to the world.  Maybe you just want to impress your loved one with a night out on the town. Treat someone to something special without caring about consequences or just doing something nice for a neighbor in need.  Now you may be saying “I already do that” and you are correct, however this time it is with a new outlook directed at how you feel with no worries about how others will react to it.  There is a difference! You have ability to impress others without even knowing it.  Communicating your needs clearly is key to setting a foundation for any quest you are pursuing this month. Opportunities can be offered to you that will compromise your ethics and beliefs at the New Moon on August 21. This is a Leo New Moon and Solar Eclipse, powerful and shady.  New Moons are a time to start new and fresh beginnings for this Lunar Cycle. This one will be a little different for you as this energy is forceful. The Sun’s rays are will be beaming directly on your communications and how you are perceived. You will shine bigger than life at this time so be careful of ego but at the same time the Moon is pushing you to take a deeper look at your truth, having you question your foundation and your beliefs. This will be an uncovering action as the Sun will have little influence hidden for the site barring your Soul directly to Earth. Changes are in the near future, your direction in life will have a direct impact on where you are when the sun shines again on the powerful Leo ego. August 30th brings relief and strength for a such an enlightening month.

August 2017, Cancer 22 June – 23 July…

Go! Go! Go! The power of this month is to set up your sails so you can move through the ocean of life with as little effort as possible. Let the wind blow and you are ready to go. Your Sun is in your 2nd house filling it with the hot air needed to fill the balloon and get ready to watch it fly.  You may ask yourself; a balloon flying aimlessly through the air seems to have no direction. However, the direction irrelevant for you this month.  Others will see your carefree attitude as an aimless path with no purpose. Don’t worry you are not one to normally care anyway and with your self-esteem as high as it is right now others will actually be attracted to your light that is shining and want to know what your secret.  It will be a time to take advantage of this great feeling and spread it like wild flowers. Your Birthday month may have ended but the events that are taking place right now will be a gift that you won’t receive until the end of the year, but will last a long time after. It’s like building a legacy…. Shopping or spending money on yourself is quite rewarding because you are worth it.  Just be aware of how much you are spending, it will be so easy to get out of hand with the Leo Sun and Mars giving you that extra encouragement.  This month is about pampering yourself and it is definitely a good time to toot your own horn.  Communication is important as you well know, however it is not something that comes easy.  You will have support from others but you need to be clear on what you require.  You will not get resistance; you deserve to be treated special. Your adventurous spirit becomes connect with emotional needs to find a deeper connection that leads to nirvana. Taking steps to care for our health will be an emotional time and may require an extra boost from Saturn to insure you take care of your heart this month. The Full Moon on August 7th will have a great impact of your ability to disconnect emotionally in order to take advantage of an opportunity that will be presented to you. The Aquarius Full Moon is also a partial Lunar Eclipse that will shadow the light from your emotional connections long enough for you to make decisions based on your ambitions without considerations of others. This could shift your personal relationship and cause issue; however, this month is about nurturing yourself and what you need.  Without this time, you will never have the energy that you require for the rest of the year as you nurture others.  Leading into the dreaded Mercury Retrograde happening on the 12th. You have a great attitude and Spirit that is directed towards your needs. The remainder of the month will find you becoming the detective. Researching alternative life styles or career paths that will require additional schooling.  It is most important to you at this time to build a solid foundation for your future and the future of your family. Balance between the stability and life is where you spend the rest of this month through to the Solar Eclipse and New Moon on Aug. 21.  These two are working together in Leo shining on your path. Again, the focus will be on connecting what you love to do with how you obtain the resources you need to achieve your goals. This will continue through the rest of the month.

 August 2017, Leo 24 July – 23 August…

Well it’s about time!    Happy Birthday! What a great time for you sweet Leo. You are King of the jungle this month for sure as the Sun sits in your 1st house of self and you are one that embraces the opportunity to celebrate “self”. The beginning of the transit into Leo can be a difficult one as you channel your energy inward and taking care of you as opposed to the Cancer energy that requires nurturing others. This month will feel comfortable here, however flexibility will not be your strong suite.  Others may find it difficult to relate to you as Mars has a warrior stance on your ego. An unexpected trip is in your future at the beginning of the month that will allow for some relaxation and fun. It will be action packed so be sure to bring you adventurous Spirit.  Keep your communications open and let the offers come flooding in as you evaluate your resources. This is a great time for a Spiritual retreat to learning to connect Mind, Body, Spirit. There is a strong need to fuse together your emotional needs to financial obligations making your career all you dreamed it could be without compromising your beliefs.  Using your creative mind and allowing your intuition to take over will serve you well this month. Reinventing how you approach business and getting rid of old out dated ideas in order to gain new clients.  Your dreams are big and you have the power to make things happen, however this month you may need to slow it down a bit and discover yourself. The Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon on Aug. 7th will help as the reinvention of your self-image starts to change. It may take a while for other to catch up with your ideas, especially those who may be directly affected by this change.  The important thing to remember is communication. If you are working alone then go for it, things only change when the time is right and now being the time to go for it. The best course of action is to follow your instincts, they don’t usually fail you and out of all the Zodiac signs you are the best at trusting your own judgement. Moving into mid-month as Mercury sets its course retrograde you may start to feel anxious about your choices. Because Mercury works so hard during the year he requires more breaks than any other Planet.  For you this is a well-received break as you need some time for your head to stop spinning. Virgo is helping you to analyze and prepare. Do not move forward with any new ideas or adventures until you have all the facts and preferably when Mercury goes direct again in September. Setting your intentions at the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on August 21st will be most important for you, dear Leo.  Balance, harmony and connection between your Spiritual and Intellectual partnerships is what will drive the remainder of the year and it all begins here. This is right up your ally.  You rule the heart and you want nothing more than to have harmony in whatever you do. The Leo New Moon/Mars is the perfect time to make it happen. Write down your dreams, look for the signs and motivate yourself to follow your heart.  This is about digging deep to truly understand your truth. Developing healthy business relationships will be a challenge as it will be difficult to find the same passion for your cause from other people. It will be important to understand that everyone will not be on the same path and it will require time to develop the trust required. Understand that all the planning, analyzing and mapping will be the best way to uncover your full potential and present the new you in the end.

 August 2017, Virgo 24 August – 23 September…

There is no other time then now to look forward to an ending.  Your journey over the past year has played out like a movie and now it is time for the final episode. Successes, failures, drama and health have all been a part of it. Your Sun is now resting in your 12th house of endings. But don’t be so sad dear Virgo, it is really about resting and taking inventory. You enjoy both, don’t you. 😊 Mars is pushing the energy level to high but you have little energy left and this can cause feeling of unease and nervousness. Try and channel that energy elsewhere. Spiritual teachings, yoga or mediation. Your Sun has now made the journey through all twelve houses and is in need of some down time. The uneasy feeling that started when the Sun first entered Leo last month will continue through August 7th when the Full Moon in Aquarius adds more emotional disconnection. This Full Moon is also a partial Lunar Eclipse that will add to your lack of ambition.  Ok don’t get so down.  This happens to everyone as some point in during their yearly Sun cycle.  It is a necessity, you must rest, and let the Universe take the wheel at some point or else you will burn out. This is your month to do that. Do not fight it as that will only cause anxiety and discomfort. Understanding what is behind the scenes will help you go with the flow a little easier. Researching is another great way to pass the time yet feel productive as you will notice it will be hard to actually accomplish anything this month. Health issues have been coming up lately and the possibility of holistic treatment will be on your mind.  Do the research and explore your options, with the placement of your Moon and the help from Sagittarius you will be able to keep an open mind while being logical in your choices. The 12th house is about subconsciousness and intuition it would be wise to stay in tune with what is going on around you, be the observer. You will learn so much from this activity, write down thoughts and what you see.  The need to evaluate your childhood will be strong or a feeling of being emotionally connected to your Mother is very high and can be an emotional time. The energy will shift a bit when you reach the middle of the month with Mercury going retrograde.  Frustration will become more apparent as the normal issues of Mercury retrograde like electronic issues, travel plans being delayed, and miscommunication. Outburst are possible and more than likely to occur, impatience with other especially those of authority.  To avoid this, you must communicate clearly with no room for misunderstanding. Follow up conversations with emails and double and triple check travel plans.  So, if you have important speaking engagements or interview it will be best to plan those prior to August 13th or after Mercury goes direct. This is especially important for you, Virgo. The Solar Eclipse and Leo New Moon on August 21st will start your rebirth process and you will begin to wake up. The fiery energy will not be in full force until the Sun transitions into your 1st house on August 23rd. It is then that the veil will lift and your eyes will see more clearly.  Use the energy of the Virgo Sun to invigorate your mood and reclaim yourself.

August 2017, Libra 24 September – 23 October…

Social status will be quite important in your world this month at your flirty Leo Sun hangs out in your 11th house. It may not be as pleasant as it would normally be your you. Self-esteem will be a focal point for this month and what better way to gain confidence in yourself then to seek communities where you feel valued and connected. As the Sun is in Leo and the fire of Mars is pushing you to see yourself as important in the lives of those around you. Connecting to your inner self is a way to help you realize your full potential. It will help your perspective in how you present yourself to others. Balancing your mind will be an important feature that is required in order to avoid bad habits and destructive behavior. Jupiter is waiting in your first house to guide you on this journey. Knowing who you are is so important and this is the time to take those steps needed to find your truth. August 7th brings the Full Moon in Aquarius and will allow you to disconnect from your own self-image and open your mind to how others see you. The Lunar Eclipse, although less impressive, will further shadow the apparent emotional stresses you are under. This can be a great time to take a breath. On a lighter note, it is a time for meeting up with friends and family that will distract you from the heaviness you may be feeling.  Your purpose this month is to feel the love from those you treasure and nurture and care for them. If you are requiring a deeper relationship with a sibling than you must communicate these feelings. Let your heart be open and receptive to the feelings of those around you. By mid-month you will have choices to make regarding your family, changes are required in personal relationships to support your needs. It will be important to make those needs known prior to Mercury retrograde and Aug. 12th. The mood will begin to shift as your social schedule is filled with people you respect and will give you a sense of freedom from the stresses earlier in the month. Don’t hang on every word and take criticism with a grain of salt, however, embrace praises and allow them to fill your Soul. When the Leo New Moon and Solar Eclipse appears on August 21st, you will have the clarity to set intentions that best suit you and provide a stable environment to grow.  Spending time alone is not always a good thing for you, however at this time it will provide the quietness that you require to take in all you have witnessed this month. Learning to love yourself is hard but with the Leo Sun, Moon and Mars all working in your 11th house it should not be hard to actually feel the love not only from yourself but from all those you have been around. Accepting this is what the Leo energy is all about. Feelings of overwhelming joy can cause suspicions so be sure that you back it up with facts. Balance your feelings with what is real to you and bring your ambition to meet them by the end of the month as your sun moves into your 12th house of endings.

August 2017, Scorpio 24 October – 22 November…

What are you trying to accomplish dear Scorpio?  Your career choices will be challenged this as the Leo Sun is strategically positioned in your 10th house of social status and career. You have laid the ground work for you future and now is the time to put it to the test. You may find more work is needed and that is very frustrating, tedious and draining. But it must be done! Your work ethics should never be challenged however, your approach or outlook may be the issue. Your communication is very business oriented and will be misunderstood for face value. Learning to be more emotionally connect just may be the key to unlocking the treasures life has to offer. For now, the struggle will be with your daily activities that require a little care and there will be many! In order to get through these tasks, it will be necessary to develop processes and procedures.  Something you thought you had, but maybe it is time to re-evaluate how you are doing business.  Work on being open minded to the possibilities that exist outside of what you have been doing or have learned throughout the years.  Times have changed and so should you. August 7th the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Aquarius adds a little adventure to your situation.  Look for a career change or opportunity that will require you to travel or allow for more freedom. The Eclipse will prove to shadow the full emotional effect of your decision and reveal your true feelings about the opportunities that are presented to you. It will be important for you to look at all the fine print. You may want to hold off on signing any contracts or commit to a start date if the offer comes at the same time as Mercury Retrograde. If you must engage in negotiations ask for a trial period through Sept. 4th when Mercury returns to its forward motion.  Emotional decisions are in play this month and must be dealt with as Saturn is requiring action. You are feeling that the drifter that walks alone, when in fact you have a network of people who are willing to help. Learning to trust your instinct is key for this month. As you move towards the Leo New Moon and Solar Eclipse on August 21st the focus will be working on your own perception of self-worth. There is a fine line between boosting and being confident and you are always trying not to cross those lines. Put that on the back burner as boosting is just what the Leo Sun, Moon and Mars is telling you to work on. It is time to balance your truth with your purpose and learning how to put the two together.  Jupiter’s energy is requiring you to balance these two and will provide the answer if you seek to truly solve the problem. This makes it necessary to release your negative image and embrace a new outlook that puts you at the center. You are going to feel much better after the 23rd and the Sun moves into a more outward look at your situation.  The bigger picture will come to light and opportunities will become apparent.

 August 2017, Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December…

Making your grand appearance this month will be no struggle for you as the Leo Sun explodes in your 9th house. This is home for you and with all the self-confidence that it brings is almost unbearable. Now, I said almost… Lovely Sagittarius, you already shine in life and make no mistake you like to have fun. The Leo and Mars energy will give you just what you are looking for and you will need to search no further.  The ninth house is about higher learning and adventure so look to take a trip some place that has character and history.  Both of which you absolutely love. Pushing your boundaries is a favorite pass time and this month will be no different. You will have extra energy that will require an outlet, something new and different. Because it is Leo that is driving this adventurous train it must be something you want to do for you. Unusual circumstances will arise that will also get your creative juices flowing so gear up for the challenge.  The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 7th will add to the excitement. The Lunar Eclipse adds a bit of work but it is nothing you can’t handle. The mood will be a learning experience, one that will require thought and concentration. Business is good but has become boring and tiresome, maybe it is time for a field trip or a change in position. A promotion may be in order and August 13th is a good time to put your feelers out. Use your charm and grace to get your point across as you have a favorable aspect in your house of status. Mercury turns retrograde but this isn’t an issue with you Sagittarians because rarely does anything get under your skin. That being said your morals and ethics will be challenged at the Leo New Moon on August 21st. This New Moon is also a full Solar Eclipse and will shadow hide ambitions from your site. This creates only an emotional choice that can feel as though something is not right. Do your homework and be sure that you are not compromising your truth. No other Sign will feel the negative effects of a shady deal like you will. Your whole being is about taking the higher road, never having to worry about your decisions. After the 23rd the energy will shift to your social status so it is imperative that you are honest with your business deals. People will want to call you out and you need to be sure you are ready.

 August 2017, Capricorn 22 December – 20 January…

There is no time like today to see the love you receive from all of your most faithful followers. As the Leo Sun sways through your 8th house of support from others, sex and rejuvenation you will know just how fortunate you have it. Accepting these gifts and enjoying the time is what this month is expected to produce. You are always working and keeping the tribe going and now it is time for your appreciation ceremony. You are not one to be shy about needing a break or taking time for yourself. Others may view that as weakness however it is a necessity to keep your strength up for your tasks. This is different because you are not usually on the receiving end of recognition and praise. But this month will be different and you should embrace it all. On the other hand, you have Mars setting fire to such wonderful events that could provide a deeper passion that is on the edge of explosion. Either way you will need to keep a level head to much bliss can cause blindness so I hear… This is a favorable month for balance and justice, although you will be put to the test around August 7th as the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse appears in Aquarius. You may find yourself in a battle defending your honor which is purely based on miscommunication. Remember that the energy is high and the disconnection that Aquarius provides may not allow you to see the whole picture. It will be necessary for you to rely on your own resources to get through this time. The Lunar Eclipse provides a shadow of emotions that is caused by the disruption of energy between the Sun and Moon from Earth. This causes even further disconnect from rational thought. To add to the confusion will be Mercury Retrograde Aug 12th. Brace yourself for this unfortunate turn of events, however you will be surrounded by plenty of supporting people that will get you through the brunt of the storm.  Your saving grace…. Uranus is lurking in the distance in the house of creativity and is always looking for optimism around every corner.  This is where you find inspiration for your creative endeavors and you should keep your Spirits high so you can recognize them.  Communication with a foreign land, traveling for work or a guest speaker for a cause are all possibilities. Whatever your work is this month will require the help from others, a high self-esteem and a great deal of emotional stamina. But you are up for the task. On August 21st, you will witness a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Leo. This will greet you with a need to seek out your shadow in order to understand your own perception and motives. You will need to understand the importance of a pure heart as Leo works his magic. This is not meant to be easy but it will be rewarding as your Sun moves into the light of the 9th house at the end of the month. Your new-found perspective and love will find a beautiful home in truth and vitality.

 August 2017, Aquarius 21 January – 19 February…

Sun in the 7th house of personal one on one relationships. As you can see there is already a conflict as this month is about nurturing yourself and how do you do that when you Sun is shining in the relationship, marriage house of compromise and sharing. Well, don’t worry there is room for both. The energy that both the Sun and Mars is providing is one that can handle anything. Your personal relationships are extremely important to you; however, you hold no emotional attachment which is something not many people can do. Therefore, taking care of yourself is easily achievable within in a relationship because boundaries are set. If these boundaries are not set then there can be quite a bit of action for you this month. Emotionally you are connecting with groups and activities outside the home that can cause friction and require some intervention. Jupiter is in favor and can provide you with the understanding you need to communicate your intentions to your partner clearly. Misunderstandings with business associates are also a point of friction, so it will be important for you to find a balance between work and home. Creating boundaries is what this month is about for you.  The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Aquarius on August 7th will force you to take care of your own needs as the Sun is sitting directly across from the Moon allowing the energy to intensify. Even though there will be a shadow hiding your emotions the message will be clear. Work on bettering your communications with your partner and don’t over extend yourself causing stress and anxiety.  Things aren’t what they seam and nothing should be taken too seriously as you move through to mid-month. Mercury starts its move backwards this month and will add to the miscommunication and confusion.  You are the most optimistic sign in the Universe and can usually see the brighter side of things pretty easily, keep that image, because you will need to draw from those strengths. You will be interested in the what makes your partner tick and delving into the deepest part of their Soul.  They may not want you there, but it is something that you are unable to control. Through this you are looking to know how your relationship will move forward and where the Love comes from. Be careful not to put them on the spot causing them to feel like an experiment of yours even though life is experimental in your opinion and you have your own ideas of what it is all about remember that the feeling is probably not mutual for most people and you could get a reaction you are not expecting. The New Moon on the August 21st has a kind of nostalgic feeling for you. No matter if you are in a relationship or not you will feel lonely and set apart from your loved one.  Don’t let this get you down though, you have plenty of things going on to distract you. When you Sun finally move in to Virgo you will be able to analyze your data and have the epiphany you were looking for.

 August 2017, Pisces 20 February – 20 March…

Let’s get that cardio going. Last month was spent on creativity and social activities this month is back to the work out.  Leo Sun and Mars are actively charging your sixth house of health and fitness along with daily routine and service. So, what are you waiting for get up and do it. Leo rules the heart so be sure to add cardio and healthy eating habits that is good for your heart. But don’t go over board or you will burn out by the end of the month.  The Leo energy does have a tendency to go all out “go big or go home”. Communications will be strong at the beginning of the month so it is a great time to write down you plan and organize.  Mercury will be in the 7th house of one on one relationships and can step of the conversation. Balancing your routine with Spiritual exercise is what you will need to feed that Jupiter Spirit. You are feeling an emotional connection with your work on a social level and now it is time to connect personally. This month will be about feeding your own personal goals.  Leo is ruled by the Sun and loves to see his light shine and will bring on that high energy you will need to get back on track. The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 7th has you dreamy eyed about the future. Your energy will be less active so don’t push yourself. Let your actions do the work for you, try not to let the work be your action. Feeling good about what you do always increases your energy. Feel your mental and emotional well-being lift up and release; let go of tension and apprehensions. The best way to push start that is through positive affirmations that should be posted on your refrigerator. You are going to need the extra push during this time through to mid-month.   August 13th and the start of Mercury retrograde could prove to be a positive experience if handle with care, while this is normally a dreaded time for unexpected complication it is actually a positive force in your chart this month. It is a great time to be able to speak candidly to those around you by using plain simple English. This is a time for unrevealed topics that others shy away from. This energy will continue through the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on August 21st. This amazing event is one for the record books and you won’t want to miss it. If you can’t see it in person then you must track it on the internet as it will be a spectacular site. You are one to feel the most connected to cosmic event such as this although it may spin a web over your psychic abilities it will help you keep grounded long enough to appreciate how small we are in comparison to the Universe. It will be a reminder of your connection with “self” and the progress and achievement that you have made. It’s a time for setting intentions, but also a time for reflecting. This will help you determine what direction you are going and what you are truly passionate about. In the end your Mind, Body and Spirit will connect once again and you will feel refreshed and ready to go.  Put yourself on autopilot for the remainder of the month and spend your time in the garden. As the Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd you will have a chance to evaluate the past couple of months and see what is working and what needs to be improved upon.



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What are you dreaming to be?

New Moon July 23, 2017

Activate Your Universe

“Set your intentions high for this New Moon and let it cover everything Leo”


A New Moon sits along-side the Sun and signifies the point of new beginnings.  The Sun is what drives you in life while the Moon is your emotional connection in life.  The Leo energy between the Sun and Moon will have you focusing on creativity, self-confidence and pride adding in the emotional connection for your own well-being. While there is always a chance of going too far, with this combo you should have no problem finding the balance and making change.

Leo energy is so creative and wants nothing more than what is best for you.  It is not a time to think or work on others, let that be for another day.  Today you must concentrate on yourself. As the Sun and Moon work side-by-side there is no better energy to combine purpose and passion as you plan for the future month.  Ideas should be plenty, however if you find yourself stuck then you should spend a little time by yourself and meditation.

The Sun is the brightest luminary in our sky, it is the King of the heavenly bodies and is the giver of life.  Leo is ruled by the Sun so there is no wonder that when they are working together you have the power to shine above all the rest.

In Astrology, the Sun symbolizes our direct will or purpose and if we do not spend time each year nurturing our own directives and drive then our purpose cannot be realized. There is no shame in looking out for your own best interest; just know that everyone will be doing the same.  Watch your temperament when you do not get what you wish.  It is not personal, it is just someone else looking out for themselves.  You can find another way, don’t worry.

Leo and Sun Mythology:  The beginning of time the Sun was a “hero” born of Mother Earth as she possessed the four elements that comprised life – air, earth, fire and water, thus we call him Sun “SON”.

The Greeks believe the Sun is Apollo, the Greek god of light and truth, the perfect balance of masculine and feminine.  Apollo lived in the spot light, the most Greek of all the gods, he wanted a shrine that would also put him at the center of the world; therefore, he choose Delphi. After slaying the serpent that ruled the area ], Apollo built his shrine. He saw what he wanted and did what he needed to do to get it.  Later the laws that were handed down from Delphi were delivered by Oracles but were credited to Apollo.  The lesson given was “Nothing in Excess” and “Know Thyself”.  The Oracle tells mortals to keep things in balance by avoiding the excess of being too willful and overly confident, or arrogance and conceit will follow.

Larger than life is how Leo likes to play and today will be no different.  Dream big, because today is the day it has the power to come true.


Capricorn Full Moon July 9, 2017

full moon[4]

Activate Your Universe!

What should you be doing during a Capricorn Full Moon?

The Full Moon usually symbolizes a time for stillness, allowing the universe to work the energy set forth from your New Moon intentions for the remainder of the moon cycle.  However, this Capricorn Full Moon is an active one and is all business. The Capricorn energy ex-spelling from the brightness of the big beautiful Moon has a can-do attitude and is providing an uneasy feeling.  It will make it necessary for you to take responsibility for your emotional connections and feelings within groups, co-workers and organizations with whom you are connected.  This energy is one of a collective conscious and is sitting in the house of careers, ambitions and life direction. The dismantling of out dated systems with an active ability to rebuild new ones is typical of the energy provided by the conjunction between the Capricorn Moon and Pluto. This is where the personal meets the public and/or political aspects of your life, making it necessary to involve others into your plan. It will take the masses to move the mountain and there is no time like now to get started.

In the tribe of the Universe the Capricorn is the one that gets the job done and has the stamina to keep up with all the details for the collective group. This will require big changes as well as re-invention. (Pluto 1 degree of the Moon) As these two energies work together you will feel the energy that has the power to breakdown major corporations, or just a singular way of thinking. On a personal note however, this energy causes you to question those you trust and break ties that may feel damaging to you. The Pluto/Capricorn Full Moon is sitting opposite a charged Sun and Mars in Cancer lighting up this powerful couple. Insecurities and fears put relationships at risk of power struggles and suspicion.  We all know what this type of energy can do on a big scale, but what does that mean for you in your daily lives? This is a time when you may feel that working on you own is best, due to the mistrust you are feeling. Nothing can be further from the truth. No matter how much you want to isolate yourself, this is a time to get involved. Involving yourself in organizations and groups that you are passionate about, will test your ability to respond to personal and collective events with maturity and open heart.  “Making a difference” The square to Jupiter in Libra reminds us that taking responsibility of yourselves does not mean you have to do it all on your own. It is critical to work with others for a successful outcome to whatever you are working on and evolution is more effective and efficient with support. The activation of a loose but potent grand cross at this time is a crossroads and choice point in your life and for those around you.

This Capricorn Full Moon makes it a perfect time to release and grieve that which needs to be left behind in order to take brave steps in a new direction. All this power struggle and work can drain your energy, but like all Capricorns will tell you; time for yourself and relaxation is an ingredient you must never substitute or alleviate from the recipe for success. The Capricorn way!

“The greatest darkness constellates the most impassioned energy of creativity” Andrew Harvey

Activate Your Universe, contact me and we can see what is in store for you. Tracy@activateyouruniverse.com

July, 2017 Monthly Horoscope Guide

July Monthly

July 2017, Aries 21 March – 20 April…

Summer is here and boy is it hot, however, with the sun and heat comes fun and family time.  The kids are out of school and it’s time for family and friends, barbeques and relaxation.  As the Sun is sitting in your 4th house of family and foundations this is where you feel memories are built.  The urge to lay the ground work for any cause or belief will be strong as well. As Mars is sharing the spot light with your Sun these feelings are stronger than ever before. Whether it is family fun or fun for a mission your goal is to plant the seed for a beautiful tree that will grow healthy and bare sweet fruit for the future. This is the message from the Cancer Sun. Nurture and care on an emotional level those things that you hold dear.  This month is full of twists and turns as Uranus is Trine Saturn in Leo and 12th house. Anxiety for the future can bring on mood swings and outbursts that can come from nowhere.  Mars will add to the stress giving fire to your nurturing need to protect what you are building. Work on understanding that things don’t always go as planned and compromise is sometimes better. Mentally, you will need to take time for yourself and learn to build up your emotional foundation as well.  This is just as important as any other part of your existence because without it you will never truly enjoy the tasty fruit that you planted and nurtured.  Moving along to the Full Moon on July 9th in your tenth house of careers could have an impact on your direction in life.  Prepare for goal oriented thoughts in regards to your career or purpose.  The Full Moon is a time for watching as your intentions move through the waning portion of the lunar cycle and things will come easy but not without hard work. You will do the work to get it done as long as the path is clear and achievable, however taking a leap of faith and trusting that it will work out is all it takes to succeed. Again, this month is all about setting foundations for building a future so it is ok to dream and dream big.  This brings me to Jupiter…. Jupiter is a big thinker and brings expansion where ever he shows up.  Isn’t is a good thing Jupiter is shining Opposite your Sun and conjunct your Moon in Libra, bring Joy and good fortune your family and path. Your mood lightens up starting on July 22nd as the Sun transitions in Leo and the focus becomes more about the happiness that is right now!


july 2017, Taurus 21 April – 21 May…

It’s July!! and summer is in full swing.  Social gatherings are on the rise as the weather heats up and everyone is heading for the beach.  You normally like the quiet times at home, but this month is going to be a little different.  The brightness of the Cancer Sun is filling your third house of communication, short journeys and mental energy.  You are going to talk your way right through the next few weeks with ease.  It may be a little difficult for others to take so remember you are turned up to high volume as Mars is also sitting close by to give that final burst in when needed all the way through to July 20th.  Communication is not one of your strongest traits, however you will get some help from the Gemini energy of the third house as well as the Cancer Sun.  Both are friendly and know how to talk just be careful one will make you boast and one will make you choke. All this energy will attract some colorful people and you could find yourself hosting a party you did not plan. But, relax building new friends and making amends with old ones is the lesson here.  It will be fun….you’ll see!  It may be best to avoid conflict for the first part of the Month especially around the Full Moon on July 9.  Pay attention to the opportunities around you.  You are in a position to get a lot accomplished, go back to school or invent a useful tool. Be prepared to be dismissed with regards to your ideas or inventions, but don’t be discouraged, work hard to present the best representation and have all your facts stated clearly.  The possibility is there just get in front of them and show them what you got. This is the month to take advantage of the energy that is meant for convincing others of your cause. The full moon isn’t all about communication or breakdown with the Full Moon in Capricorn investments will be a key. So, that party you were not intending to have turns out to provide information about an investment that has a great return for fulfilling your dreams.  You see; things aren’t so bad after all.  This whole month takes you out of your comfort zone.  Just run with it as it will come around again for quite some time.


july 2017, Gemini 22 May – 21 June….

Slow and steady is what you need, however it is not your style.  This month is learning how to pace yourself for the long haul. The powerful Cancer Sun sits in your 2nd house of money and power.  There is something brewing in the heat and you are about to find out what.  The second house is about your money but not your career, this brings me to an interesting point. Cancer is the Mother of all the Universe and wants to protect and nurturer her babies.  Right now, your money is your baby so nurturer and protect.  Watch you spending closely and chose investments wisely they will work out for you, but you have to trust it.  The Sun and Mars are working together giving the energy an additional boost. This is a time for you to show your worth and to make things happen. This alignment doesn’t happen very often so make sure you take advantage of the energy and don’t let it go to waste. There will be plenty of time for leisure once the work is done and in doing the work you can be assured that you have the cash in hand to do it right.  Because that’s the way you like it. The good thing is you won’t have to wait long because you will see results by the end of the Month when the Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd.  A clearer picture comes into view when the Full Moon hits, July 9th in Capricorn shifting your energy towards relationships.  This is a time for you to evaluate your relationships and determine how they are working for you and your future.  Be aware that you have some strong alignments involving the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus that indicates disputes that need to be resolved and can distract you from your goals. Being prepared will help you make good solid decisions. You are not one for routine, but routine is what you need this month if you are going to succeed in your goals. This can become stressful for you during the next few weeks as the focus shifts to making a future.  Money is the key to your existence and what you do with that money will determine what kind of future you will have.  A need to spend it all in one place is strong but will not leave you satisfied for the long term.  Give it a lot of thought before you decide. The New Moon on July 23rd will bring stimulating conversation and company.  Pay attention to the details, making sure you get the full benefit of the conversation.

july 2017, Cancer 22 June – 23 July…

Happy Birthday!!!  This is a great time for you Cancer, the Sun is lighting up your first house of “I am”.  Reflection, family and the focus on you.  Mars is also in your sign giving the Sun a great boost for the self.  Mars only shows up in your sign every two years and to be so close to the Sun is even more special.  You love to be special and this is definitely your time to feel it. It is time to be bold and courageous. The time is ripe and it is now time to take a bite.  The Full Moon on July 9th in Capricorn definitely fuels you with the energy to step out to sell yourself.  You are a likable person and now is the time to let others know especially those who can make a difference to your current life situation.  Don’t be shy…. not that you are, but sometimes it is easier to stay in the cozy comforts or home that you built. Negotiations are on the table somehow; someway you just need to find it. Your current situation is filled with egos and power struggles forcing you to look for a more balanced solution.  If you don’t then you will be dealing with this type of energy for the next couple of months due to alignments that include Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto.  These energies are urging you to make a change. Change is not always easy and it may be harder to deal with during the decision-making process and with Pluto in Capricorn standing opposite Mars can cause deep issues with your loved one.  Being clear on your intentions is possible and is needed in order to combat these outbursts.   Towards the end of the month around the 18th things become even more hostile when dealing with work or a person of power. To many rules and regulations can have you feel closed and un inspired yet not enough structure can have you feeling confused and without support. Thing will lighten up on July 22nd as the Sun moves into you 2nd house in the constellation of Leo.  Matters of the heart are back in line and you can think about all your options with your needs in mind.  New job or position could be in the works but wait until July 26th to do the negotiations when the Sun and Mars are at their best and close together.  If the opportunity comes earlier be sure to save the negotiations for this date; it will be worth it.


jluy 2017, Leo 24 July – 23 August…

Oh, don’t we all need a rest now and again? Well this is the time for you, dear Leo.  The Cancer Sun and fiery Mars are both sitting in your 12th house just looking for a break.  It’s not very often that these two are sitting side by side, so if they both are telling you to relax, I’d say you better listen.  You deserve it!  The last month has been a challenge to say the least so try and put your feet up for a while.  This will not be easy for you because you have a lot of loose end to clean up before you can fully rest up and enjoy the summer vacation. But don’t fear there will be time to get that beach day into your schedule. It will be beneficial and believe it or not could help you to relax enough that resolution comes out of nowhere. The Full Moon on July 9th will be powerful on you and even bring health issue to the forefront so you have to deal with them.  It is important that you pay attention, those problems aren’t going anywhere. Take care of yourself or the universe will make you!  Spend the first part of the month planning for the off days so you have something to look forward to and find ways to delegate so you can relieve some of your stress. This Full Moon provide a noticeable change in how your view your health regiments. Moving towards the New Moon on July 23rd you month is filled with stressful situations that need both your mental attention as well as physical.  You can handle it as long as you schedule some fun time in between.  Remember this is about endings so all this chaos and stress will end.  When the Sun and Mars make an exact meet up on July 29th in your sign of Leo…… Your guiding light will begin to shine once again. Rest up and be ready.


july 2017, Virgo 24 August – 23 September…

So; it is summer break!  Oh boy, Virgo get your party hat on the Cancer Sun and Mars has come to visit you in your 11th house of group and social events.  This is going to heat up your social game so make great use of this energy. Not only will you be out with the best of them you are going to make contacts that will prove to be useful in the future.  We all know that’s what you really want to know. How do I gain from all this socializing nonsense?  Well Virgo it will require you to enjoy yourself a little and keep a cool head. I know this could be challenging for you, but it must be done. Cancer and Mars are heating up your networking skills so you should probably keep your PowerPoint presentation close by and your pitch memorized just in case. If you do have a scheduled meeting use these energies to be prepared and sharp, they will notice.  Stay on your toes, but don’t let others get under your skin, it will be harder to bite your tongue with the alignments in your chart between the Sun, Pluto and Jupiter. These energies can cause anxiety and restlessness that will develop into conflict, starting with you.  Think before you speak and be sure that the topic is not inappropriate. A tendency to fly off subject or make an off handed insult will be high as you approach the Full Moon on July 9th. A need for attention can get you in quite a pickle around this time.  This month will seem like it lasts forever, with all the obligations you have but rest is on the way when the Sun and Mars moves into your 12th house on July 22nd.  This is the house of endings and internal reprieve.  When it comes take it you are going to need it.


july 2017, Libra 24 September – 23 October…

Your professional life is on display this month as the Cancer Sun is in your tenth house of career. This is a time to take care of loose ends and nurture your game plan for the rest of the year.  This is especially important as Mars is close by to set fire to any ventures you are working on. Even though this energy comes around every year at this time it does not always come with the force of Mars behind it.  The intensity can be overwhelming and you don’t always handle that feeling very well.  Be sure to recognize that Mars is here to help you not cause problems.  He is setting fire under feet so you don’t become lazy or complacent. You will have a chance to run off for some well needed rest and relaxation on July 9th with the Full Moon showing up in your domestic fourth house. This is good time to concentrate of health and relationships especially with a female or mother figure. Although this break will be short it is not lost.  This will carry you through the rest of the month until the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd.  As Mars and the Sun is working hand in hand this month they provide you with courage and style to accomplish anything. This is also a time to take care of unresolved issues or conflict with others, particularly male or father figures.  Your stress levels will be high due to Mars in Cancer, but it nothing that you can’t handle given the other planetary activity in your chart.  It will, however be required for you to get to your point quickly without straying from the topic. Stating the obvious is not always necessary. As you approach the end of the month and the Sun Moves into your 11th house of social events the energy will feel much lighter.  Feel confident when interacting with others; you know you are the flirty type, so let loose and be yourself. Meeting new people may be just what you need to end the month and discard those that are not serving you well.


july 2017, Scorpio 24 October – 22 November…

Your urge to be candid will be strong this month now that the Cancer Sun is encouraging your ninth house.  The Cancer energy is one that tells it like she sees it and with little to no filter.  When you combine that energy with the expansive, sarcastic and witty ninth house Sagittarius energy it will be difficult to hold in your thoughts.  This is not typical for you Scorpio and others will find it quite attractive. There is so much energy here with Mars working hand in hand with the Sun that there is bound to be some excitement and adventure in your life through July 22nd. Look for the opportunities in travel, education, spiritual awakening and expansion. Mars travels slow and only visits this area every two years and very rarely does he work alongside the Sun.  Both of these energies in Cancer encourages you to nurture your adventurous spirit and to trust your intuition a bit more than usual.  Not everything is set in stone and predictable. Allow yourself an opportunity to dream big and take some risks during this amazing time.  Opportunities will be there you, you just have to feed it, water it and care for it so that it will grow strong and serve you well. If you were looking for an opportunity to speak you mind and truth, this is the time to do it.  Use the charisma and confidence that this duo will offer and remember to keep it positive.  People will listen!  July 9th the Capricorn Full Moon gives you the business savvy to open doors and make opportunities happen as this Moon phase travels through your third house of communication. It will be a good time to send a message to others of encouragement and meaning. This month for you Scorpio is letting your voice be heard, however be careful that it’s not aggressive or condescending, that will defeat the purpose and only create chaos. You don’t talk much so when you do make it count and remember that you need to be able to handle any reaction.  This candor works both ways and you need to be prepared to respond with positivity and understanding. The Middle of the month around the 18th can prove to be challenging as Uranus in the 6th house of health squares up with Mars bringing obsessive thoughts and single mindedness.  Try to stay focused on the little details for everyday activities and not on the big picture at this time. This energy will pass as the Sun glides into Leo on July 22nd and brings a little light to your 10th house of social status. Keep in mind the ground work has been set and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.


july 2017, Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December…

A retreat is what you need, a little time for yourself, away from your normally active lifestyle.  Right now, your Sun is working in your 8th house of privacy, intimacy and secrets. The Scorpio energy will be noticed as the Cancer Sun and Mars is visiting this month.  This energy is asking you to nourish and protect your privacy and embrace your intimate time for rejuvenation. Mars’ aggressive nature is calmed a little as it stands in Cancer. However, there will be a need to be outspoken, candid and honest with those around you. This is not the time fo that, refrain from this type of communication, instead keep to yourself a bit more and if that is not an option then at least keep your comments to yourself. Otherwise unnecessary bantering will occur and only aggravate the situation. Sometimes saying nothing is more powerful than any words. Sharing intimate time with you love should be top on your list this month and if you are single you may by chance meet that someone special. The day to work is July 9th as the Full Moon illuminates your 2nd house of finances. Promotion or new job opportunity are all possible on this day so set your calendar to make your move. There is a strong energy coming from Mars so be sure to understand that stress is part of the process. Watch your spending as this energy will promote irresponsible spending. Your motto this month is to stay focused on the inside look for ways to turn frustration into creation. Although you may fee out of sort this month due to the subdued environment it will be necessary.  Starting on July 22nd when the Sun rushes into your ninth house in the constellation of Leo your life will be on turbo charge. You rule the ninth house and Leo is the fiery Lion to put social activities and grandeur back in your life. So embrace your alone time. Take special care of financial decisions and investments. Look to connect with the special people in your life and less with the hustle and bustle of the world.


july 2017, Capricorn 22 December – 20 January…

The activity will begin in your seventh house of one on one relationships.  The Cancer Sun will help you gain the perfect first impression with a special someone add in the feisty flare of Mars and you are sure to be the center of attraction. Your flirty nature and charisma is enhanced with this placement and is not an opportunity you will want to waste.  This is the time to make your feelings known to your special someone, or maybe it’s a time to approach the one you have had your eye on for a while.  The reception will be warm and positive. Let Cancer help to mother and care for an existing relationship or guide you through a new one.  Cancer is ruled by the Moon so emotions are especially sensitive at this time for you and Mars will add a bit of spark to those emotions that can be useful. Honesty and justice is what you are looking for this Month. This is a time to listen to your heart and not your head. This energy is encouraging you to follow and not lead. If this is not comfortable, it’s not supposed to be, but if you need some time to yourself it will be best taken at the Full Moon on July 9th. Work on a project that you neglected or make business calls that affect you personally.  Because the seventh house is about family relationships, obligation will become a part of your duties this month as well.  You will need to mend some fences both literally and figuratively in this department as Jupiter, Uranus and Sun have a little score to settle during this course of the month, so be prepared and do not be annoyed. Stressful Pluto siting opposite the Sun will push you to your limits but this will only strengthen you and provide you with clarity for the balance you need. The Libra energy of the seventh house is about balance and justice, if you look for the correlation throughout this month it will be clear the lessons that are being taught. Open you mind, heart and self…


july 2017, Aquarius 21 January – 19 February…

This is such an important time for you, dear Aquarius. Your Sun is putting a spot light on your sixth house of health and everyday activity.  The Cancer Sun encourages you to take special care of your health this month.  Be sure to get all the nutrients and exercise you need. Get a check-up or start a health regiment today! Mars is full of energy and spice that can push you to make changes if necessary for a better lifestyle that is healthier and more productive. However, it can also add stress levels if health issues are not dealt with quickly.  Mars is all about quick solutions so if you don’t make it a decision he will. So, as we all know you are capable of most anything and will push yourself beyond boundaries, this is not the time for that type of thinking.  Pushing yourself beyond limits will have a negative effect on your health this month and will only manage to slow you down.  You need to recognize this potential and do not gloss over it. Ask someone for help if you are determined to get a million things done in the next month. The Full Moon on June 9th will provide a little down time so take it. The Capricorn Moon knows how to slow down especially in your 12th house of rest and relaxation. You will need this break so take it.  Other alignments this month will make it difficult for communication and will promote misunderstandings that can become long term disputes.  Before engaging in conflict take a step back and really think about what you are looking to accomplish. It may be a better idea to wait or try communicating through email and not social media.  As the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd the energy will shift a little, however you will still be high demand only this time you are ready to handle it. After putting in place a new routine of exercise and healthy choices your mind and body is clear and ready to go.


july 2017, Pisces 20 February – 20 March…

Lights, camera, action…..This Cancer Sun and Mars combo in your 5th house of creativity, self-expression and joy is pretty intense. For most this type of energy is welcomed, but for you my Pisces friend it can be overwhelming and suspicious. These feeling comes from other aspects between Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and the Sun providing you with ups and downs during this month that will make you head spin.  These energies can also produce self-righteous behaviors and over confidence that can become part of a bigger issue later this month.  You will need to watch your ego as your integrity will be questioned and tested. Keeping a level head. Being confident in what you know and having compassion for what others don’t know will no doubt bring attention to your work.  So much energy this month is hot and fiery but it doesn’t have to be negative. Because Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is overseeing your emotions it would suggest that Mars is pushing your passion toward following an emotional dream. With this energy working in your house of creative and self-preservation you can’t help but shine and allow others to be a part of your creation.  This type of energy can thrust you forward in your work and make great things happen.  The Capricorn Full Moon on July 9th is a time for you to join new social groups, reach out to a group you are already a member or possibly do some volunteer work outside the home.  This full moon is located in your eleventh of social media, groups and organizations. The organization and hard work of the Capricorn energy makes this the best time to show others your potential. However, the energy is not heavy but light and airy so you can accomplish quite a bit without feeling the pressure. This is short lived as the Full Moon Passes and the energy shifts back to heavy and combative. Beware of jealousy from others and conflict with loved ones. Between the 18th and the 20nd Pluto squares Mars and cause irrational behavior all around. Probably best to stay away from conversation that seem to go nowhere. The mood changes drastically come July 22nd as the Sun Moves into fun loving Leo in your sixth house of health and daily routines.  This is more your style, working on yourself, health and your to do list.



Contact me,

And let us see,

What are you dreaming to be?







July 2017, Aries 21 March – 20 April…

Summer is here and boy is it hot, however, with the sun and heat comes fun and family time.  The kids are out of school and it’s time for family and friends, barbeques and relaxation.  As the Sun is sitting in your 4th house of family and foundations this is where you feel memories are built.  The urge to lay the ground work for any cause or belief will be strong as well. As Mars is sharing the spot light with your Sun these feelings are stronger than ever before. Whether it is family fun or fun for a mission your goal is to plant the seed for a beautiful tree that will grow healthy and bare sweet fruit for the future. This is the message from the Cancer Sun. Nurture and care on an emotional level those things that you hold dear.  This month is full of twists and turns as Uranus is trine Saturn in Leo and 12th house. Anxiety for the future can bring on mood swings and outbursts that can come from nowhere.  Mars will add to the stress giving fire to your nurturing need to protect what you are building. Work on understanding that things don’t always go as planned and compromise is sometimes better. Mentally, you will need to take time for yourself and learn to build up your emotional foundation as well.  This is just as important as any other part of your existence because without it you will never truly enjoy the tasty fruit that you planted and nurtured.  Moving along to the Full Moon on July 9th in your tenth house of careers could have an impact on your direction in life.  Prepare for goal oriented thoughts in regards to your career or purpose.  The Full Moon is a time for watching as your intentions move through the waning portion of the lunar cycle and things will come easy but not without hard work. You will do the work to get it done as long as the path is clear and achievable, however taking a leap of faith and trusting that it will work out is all it takes to succeed. Again, this month is all about setting foundations for building a future so it is ok to dream and dream big.  This brings me to Jupiter…. Jupiter is a big thinker and brings expansion where ever he shows up.  Isn’t is a good thing Jupiter is shining Opposite your Sun and conjunct your Moon in Libra, bring Joy and good fortune your family and path. Your mood lightens up starting on July 22nd as the Sun transitions in Leo and the focus becomes more about the happiness that is right now!


july 2017, Taurus 21 April – 21 May…

It’s July!! and summer is in full swing.  Social gatherings are on the rise as the weather heats up and everyone is heading for the beach.  You normally like the quiet times at home, but this month is going to be a little different.  The brightness of the Cancer Sun is filling your third house of communication, short journeys and mental energy.  You are going to talk your way right through the next few weeks with ease.  It may be a little difficult for others to take so remember you are turned up to high volume as Mars is also sitting close by to give that final burst in when needed all the way through to July 20th.  Communication is not one of your strongest traits, however you will get some help from the Gemini energy of the third house as well as the Cancer Sun.  Both are friendly and know how to talk just be careful one will make you boast and one will make you choke. All this energy will attract some colorful people and you could find yourself hosting a party you did not plan. But, relax building new friends and making amends with old ones is the lesson here.  It will be fun….you’ll see!  It may be best to avoid conflict for the first part of the Month especially around the Full Moon on July 9.  Pay attention to the opportunities around you.  You are in a position to get a lot accomplished, go back to school or invent a useful tool. Be prepared to be dismissed with regards to your ideas or inventions, but don’t be discouraged, work hard to present the best representation and have all your facts stated clearly.  The possibility is there just get in front of them and show them what you got. This is the month to take advantage of the energy that is meant for convincing others of your cause. The full moon isn’t all about communication or breakdown with the Full Moon in Capricorn investments will be a key. So, that party you were not intending to have turns out to provide information about an investment that has a great return for fulfilling your dreams.  You see; things aren’t so bad after all.  This whole month takes you out of your comfort zone.  Just run with it as it will come around again for quite some time.


july 2017, Gemini 22 May – 21 June….

Slow and steady is what you need, however it is not your style.  This month is learning how to pace yourself for the long haul. The powerful Cancer Sun sits in your 2nd house of money and power.  There is something brewing in the heat and you are about to find out what.  The second house is about your money but not your career, this brings me to an interesting point. Cancer is the Mother of all the Universe and wants to protect and nurturer her babies.  Right now, your money is your baby so nurturer and protect.  Watch you spending closely and chose investments wisely they will work out for you, but you have to trust it.  The Sun and Mars are working together giving the energy an additional boost. This is a time for you to show your worth and to make things happen. This alignment doesn’t happen very often so make sure you take advantage of the energy and don’t let it go to waste. There will be plenty of time for leisure once the work is done and in doing the work you can be assured that you have the cash in hand to do it right.  Because that’s the way you like it. The good thing is you won’t have to wait long because you will see results by the end of the Month when the Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd.  A clearer picture comes into view when the Full Moon hits, July 9th in Capricorn shifting your energy towards relationships.  This is a time for you to evaluate your relationships and determine how they are working for you and your future.  Be aware that you have some strong alignments involving the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus that indicates disputes that need to be resolved and can distract you from your goals. Being prepared will help you make good solid decisions. You are not one for routine, but routine is what you need this month if you are going to succeed in your goals. This can become stressful for you during the next few weeks as the focus shifts to making a future.  Money is the key to your existence and what you do with that money will determine what kind of future you will have.  A need to spend it all in one place is strong but will not leave you satisfied for the long term.  Give it a lot of thought before you decide. The New Moon on July 23rd will bring stimulating conversation and company.  Pay attention to the details, making sure you get the full benefit of the conversation.

july 2017, Cancer 22 June – 23 July…

Happy Birthday!!!  This is a great time for you Cancer, the Sun is lighting up your first house of “I am”.  Reflection, family and the focus on you.  Mars is also in your sign giving the Sun a great boost for the self.  Mars only shows up in your sign every two years and to be so close to the Sun is even more special.  You love to be special and this is definitely your time to feel it. It is time to be bold and courageous. The time is ripe and it is now time to take a bite.  The Full Moon on July 9th in Capricorn definitely fuels you with the energy to step out to sell yourself.  You are a likable person and now is the time to let others know especially those who can make a difference to your current life situation.  Don’t be shy…. not that you are, but sometimes it is easier to stay in the cozy comforts or home that you built. Negotiations are on the table somehow; someway you just need to find it. Your current situation is filled with egos and power struggles forcing you to look for a more balanced solution.  If you don’t then you will be dealing with this type of energy for the next couple of months due to alignments that include Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto.  These energies are urging you to make a change. Change is not always easy and it may be harder to deal with during the decision-making process and with Pluto in Capricorn standing opposite Mars can cause deep issues with your loved one.  Being clear on your intentions is possible and is needed in order to combat these outbursts.   Towards the end of the month around the 18th things become even more hostile when dealing with work or a person of power. To many rules and regulations can have you feel closed and un inspired yet not enough structure can have you feeling confused and without support. Thing will lighten up on July 22nd as the Sun moves into you 2nd house in the constellation of Leo.  Matters of the heart are back in line and you can think about all your options with your needs in mind.  New job or position could be in the works but wait until July 26th to do the negotiations when the Sun and Mars are at their best and close together.  If the opportunity comes earlier be sure to save the negotiations for this date; it will be worth it.


jluy 2017, Leo 24 July – 23 August…

Oh, don’t we all need a rest now and again? Well this is the time for you, dear Leo.  The Cancer Sun and fiery Mars are both sitting in your 12th house just looking for a break.  It’s not very often that these two are sitting side by side, so if they both are telling you to relax, I’d say you better listen.  You deserve it!  The last month has been a challenge to say the least so try and put your feet up for a while.  This will not be easy for you because you have a lot of loose end to clean up before you can fully rest up and enjoy the summer vacation. But don’t fear there will be time to get that beach day into your schedule. It will be beneficial and believe it or not could help you to relax enough that resolution comes out of nowhere. The Full Moon on July 9th will be powerful on you and even bring health issue to the forefront so you have to deal with them.  It is important that you pay attention, those problems aren’t going anywhere. Take care of yourself or the universe will make you!  Spend the first part of the month planning for the off days so you have something to look forward to and find ways to delegate so you can relieve some of your stress. This Full Moon provide a noticeable change in how your view your health regiments. Moving towards the New Moon on July 23rd you month is filled with stressful situations that need both your mental attention as well as physical.  You can handle it as long as you schedule some fun time in between.  Remember this is about endings so all this chaos and stress will end.  When the Sun and Mars make an exact meet up on July 29th in your sign of Leo…… Your guiding light will begin to shine once again. Rest up and be ready.


july 2017, Virgo 24 August – 23 September…

So; it is summer break!  Oh boy, Virgo get your party hat on the Cancer Sun and Mars has come to visit you in your 11th house of group and social events.  This is going to heat up your social game so make great use of this energy. Not only will you be out with the best of them you are going to make contacts that will prove to be useful in the future.  We all know that’s what you really want to know. How do I gain from all this socializing nonsense?  Well Virgo it will require you to enjoy yourself a little and keep a cool head. I know this could be challenging for you, but it must be done. Cancer and Mars are heating up your networking skills so you should probably keep your PowerPoint presentation close by and your pitch memorized just in case. If you do have a scheduled meeting use these energies to be prepared and sharp, they will notice.  Stay on your toes, but don’t let others get under your skin, it will be harder to bite your tongue with the alignments in your chart between the Sun, Pluto and Jupiter. These energies can cause anxiety and restlessness that will develop into conflict, starting with you.  Think before you speak and be sure that the topic is not inappropriate. A tendency to fly off subject or make an off handed insult will be high as you approach the Full Moon on July 9th. A need for attention can get you in quite a pickle around this time.  This month will seem like it lasts forever, with all the obligations you have but rest is on the way when the Sun and Mars moves into your 12th house on July 22nd.  This is the house of endings and internal reprieve.  When it comes take it you are going to need it.


july 2017, Libra 24 September – 23 October…

Your professional life is on display this month as the Cancer Sun is in your tenth house of career. This is a time to take care of loose ends and nurture your game plan for the rest of the year.  This is especially important as Mars is close by to set fire to any ventures you are working on. Even though this energy comes around every year at this time it does not always come with the force of Mars behind it.  The intensity can be overwhelming and you don’t always handle that feeling very well.  Be sure to recognize that Mars is here to help you not cause problems.  He is setting fire under feet so you don’t become lazy or complacent. You will have a chance to run off for some well needed rest and relaxation on July 9th with the Full Moon showing up in your domestic fourth house. This is good time to concentrate of health and relationships especially with a female or mother figure. Although this break will be short it is not lost.  This will carry you through the rest of the month until the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd.  As Mars and the Sun is working hand in hand this month they provide you with courage and style to accomplish anything. This is also a time to take care of unresolved issues or conflict with others, particularly male or father figures.  Your stress levels will be high due to Mars in Cancer, but it nothing that you can’t handle given the other planetary activity in your chart.  It will, however be required for you to get to your point quickly without straying from the topic. Stating the obvious is not always necessary. As you approach the end of the month and the Sun Moves into your 11th house of social events the energy will feel much lighter.  Feel confident when interacting with others; you know you are the flirty type, so let loose and be yourself. Meeting new people may be just what you need to end the month and discard those that are not serving you well.


july 2017, Scorpio 24 October – 22 November…

Your urge to be candid will be strong this month now that the Cancer Sun is encouraging your ninth house.  The Cancer energy is one that tells it like she sees it and with little to no filter.  When you combine that energy with the expansive, sarcastic and witty ninth house Sagittarius energy it will be difficult to hold in your thoughts.  This is not typical for you Scorpio and others will find it quite attractive. There is so much energy here with Mars working hand in hand with the Sun that there is bound to be some excitement and adventure in your life through July 22nd. Look for the opportunities in travel, education, spiritual awakening and expansion. Mars travels slow and only visits this area every two years and very rarely does he work alongside the Sun.  Both of these energies in Cancer encourages you to nurture your adventurous spirit and to trust your intuition a bit more than usual.  Not everything is set in stone and predictable. Allow yourself an opportunity to dream big and take some risks during this amazing time.  Opportunities will be there you, you just have to feed it, water it and care for it so that it will grow strong and serve you well. If you were looking for an opportunity to speak you mind and truth, this is the time to do it.  Use the charisma and confidence that this duo will offer and remember to keep it positive.  People will listen!  July 9th the Capricorn Full Moon gives you the business savvy to open doors and make opportunities happen as this Moon phase travels through your third house of communication. It will be a good time to send a message to others of encouragement and meaning. This month for you Scorpio is letting your voice be heard, however be careful that it’s not aggressive or condescending, that will defeat the purpose and only create chaos. You don’t talk much so when you do make it count and remember that you need to be able to handle any reaction.  This candor works both ways and you need to be prepared to respond with positivity and understanding. The Middle of the month around the 18th can prove to be challenging as Uranus in the 6th house of health squares up with Mars bringing obsessive thoughts and single mindedness.  Try to stay focused on the little details for everyday activities and not on the big picture at this time. This energy will pass as the Sun glides into Leo on July 22nd and brings a little light to your 10th house of social status. Keep in mind the ground work has been set and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.


july 2017, Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December…

A retreat is what you need, a little time for yourself, away from your normally active lifestyle.  Right now, your Sun is working in your 8th house of privacy, intimacy and secrets. The Scorpio energy will be noticed as the Cancer Sun and Mars is visiting this month.  This energy is asking you to nourish and protect your privacy and embrace your intimate time for rejuvenation. Mars’ aggressive nature is calmed a little as it stands in Cancer. However, there will be a need to be outspoken, candid and honest with those around you. This is not the time fo that, refrain from this type of communication, instead keep to yourself a bit more and if that is not an option then at least keep your comments to yourself. Otherwise unnecessary bantering will occur and only aggravate the situation. Sometimes saying nothing is more powerful than any words. Sharing intimate time with you love should be top on your list this month and if you are single you may by chance meet that someone special. The day to work is July 9th as the Full Moon illuminates your 2nd house of finances. Promotion or new job opportunity are all possible on this day so set your calendar to make your move. There is a strong energy coming from Mars so be sure to understand that stress is part of the process. Watch your spending as this energy will promote irresponsible spending. Your motto this month is to stay focused on the inside look for ways to turn frustration into creation. Although you may fee out of sort this month due to the subdued environment it will be necessary.  Starting on July 22nd when the Sun rushes into your ninth house in the constellation of Leo your life will be on turbo charge. You rule the ninth house and Leo is the fiery Lion to put social activities and grandeur back in your life. So embrace your alone time. Take special care of financial decisions and investments. Look to connect with the special people in your life and less with the hustle and bustle of the world.


july 2017, Capricorn 22 December – 20 January…

The activity will begin in your seventh house of one on one relationships.  The Cancer Sun will help you gain the perfect first impression with a special someone add in the feisty flare of Mars and you are sure to be the center of attraction. Your flirty nature and charisma is enhanced with this placement and is not an opportunity you will want to waste.  This is the time to make your feelings known to your special someone, or maybe it’s a time to approach the one you have had your eye on for a while.  The reception will be warm and positive. Let Cancer help to mother and care for an existing relationship or guide you through a new one.  Cancer is ruled by the Moon so emotions are especially sensitive at this time for you and Mars will add a bit of spark to those emotions that can be useful. Honesty and justice is what you are looking for this Month. This is a time to listen to your heart and not your head. This energy is encouraging you to follow and not lead. If this is not comfortable, it’s not supposed to be, but if you need some time to yourself it will be best taken at the Full Moon on July 9th. Work on a project that you neglected or make business calls that affect you personally.  Because the seventh house is about family relationships, obligation will become a part of your duties this month as well.  You will need to mend some fences both literally and figuratively in this department as Jupiter, Uranus and Sun have a little score to settle during this course of the month, so be prepared and do not be annoyed. Stressful Pluto siting opposite the Sun will push you to your limits but this will only strengthen you and provide you with clarity for the balance you need. The Libra energy of the seventh house is about balance and justice, if you look for the correlation throughout this month it will be clear the lessons that are being taught. Open you mind, heart and self…


july 2017, Aquarius 21 January – 19 February…

This is such an important time for you, dear Aquarius. Your Sun is putting a spot light on your sixth house of health and everyday activity.  The Cancer Sun encourages you to take special care of your health this month.  Be sure to get all the nutrients and exercise you need. Get a check-up or start a health regiment today! Mars is full of energy and spice that can push you to make changes if necessary for a better lifestyle that is healthier and more productive. However, it can also add stress levels if health issues are not dealt with quickly.  Mars is all about quick solutions so if you don’t make it a decision he will. So, as we all know you are capable of most anything and will push yourself beyond boundaries, this is not the time for that type of thinking.  Pushing yourself beyond limits will have a negative effect on your health this month and will only manage to slow you down.  You need to recognize this potential and do not gloss over it. Ask someone for help if you are determined to get a million things done in the next month. The Full Moon on June 9th will provide a little down time so take it. The Capricorn Moon knows how to slow down especially in your 12th house of rest and relaxation. You will need this break so take it.  Other alignments this month will make it difficult for communication and will promote misunderstandings that can become long term disputes.  Before engaging in conflict take a step back and really think about what you are looking to accomplish. It may be a better idea to wait or try communicating through email and not social media.  As the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd the energy will shift a little, however you will still be high demand only this time you are ready to handle it. After putting in place a new routine of exercise and healthy choices your mind and body is clear and ready to go.


july 2017, Pisces 20 February – 20 March…

Lights, camera, action…..This Cancer Sun and Mars combo in your 5th house of creativity, self-expression and joy is pretty intense. For most this type of energy is welcomed, but for you my Pisces friend it can be overwhelming and suspicious. These feeling comes from other aspects between Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and the Sun providing you with ups and downs during this month that will make you head spin.  These energies can also produce self-righteous behaviors and over confidence that can become part of a bigger issue later this month.  You will need to watch your ego as your integrity will be questioned and tested. Keeping a level head. Being confident in what you know and having compassion for what others don’t know will no doubt bring attention to your work.  So much energy this month is hot and fiery but it doesn’t have to be negative. Because Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is overseeing your emotions it would suggest that Mars is pushing your passion toward following an emotional dream. With this energy working in your house of creative and self-preservation you can’t help but shine and allow others to be a part of your creation.  This type of energy can thrust you forward in your work and make great things happen.  The Capricorn Full Moon on July 9th is a time for you to join new social groups, reach out to a group you are already a member or possibly do some volunteer work outside the home.  This full moon is located in your eleventh of social media, groups and organizations. The organization and hard work of the Capricorn energy makes this the best time to show others your potential. However, the energy is not heavy but light and airy so you can accomplish quite a bit without feeling the pressure. This is short lived as the Full Moon Passes and the energy shifts back to heavy and combative. Beware of jealousy from others and conflict with loved ones. Between the 18th and the 20nd Pluto squares Mars and cause irrational behavior all around. Probably best to stay away from conversation that seem to go nowhere. The mood changes drastically come July 22nd as the Sun Moves into fun loving Leo in your sixth house of health and daily routines.  This is more your style, working on yourself, health and your to do list.



Contact me,

And let us see,

What are you dreaming to be?





July 2017, Aries 21 March – 20 April…

Summer is here and boy is it hot, however, with the sun and heat comes fun and family time.  The kids are out of school and it’s time for family and friends, barbeques and relaxation.  As the Sun is sitting in your 4th house of family and foundations this is where you feel memories are built.  The urge to lay the ground work for any cause or belief will be strong as well. As Mars is sharing the spot light with your Sun these feelings are stronger than ever before. Whether it is family fun or fun for a mission your goal is to plant the seed for a beautiful tree that will grow healthy and bare sweet fruit for the future. This is the message from the Cancer Sun. Nurture and care on an emotional level those things that you hold dear.  This month is full of twists and turns as Uranus is trine Saturn in Leo and 12th house. Anxiety for the future can bring on mood swings and outbursts that can come from nowhere.  Mars will add to the stress giving fire to your nurturing need to protect what you are building. Work on understanding that things don’t always go as planned and compromise is sometimes better. Mentally, you will need to take time for yourself and learn to build up your emotional foundation as well.  This is just as important as any other part of your existence because without it you will never truly enjoy the tasty fruit that you planted and nurtured.  Moving along to the Full Moon on July 9th in your tenth house of careers could have an impact on your direction in life.  Prepare for goal oriented thoughts in regards to your career or purpose.  The Full Moon is a time for watching as your intentions move through the waning portion of the lunar cycle and things will come easy but not without hard work. You will do the work to get it done as long as the path is clear and achievable, however taking a leap of faith and trusting that it will work out is all it takes to succeed. Again, this month is all about setting foundations for building a future so it is ok to dream and dream big.  This brings me to Jupiter…. Jupiter is a big thinker and brings expansion where ever he shows up.  Isn’t is a good thing Jupiter is shining Opposite your Sun and conjunct your Moon in Libra, bring Joy and good fortune your family and path. Your mood lightens up starting on July 22nd as the Sun transitions in Leo and the focus becomes more about the happiness that is right now!


july 2017, Taurus 21 April – 21 May…

It’s July!! and summer is in full swing.  Social gatherings are on the rise as the weather heats up and everyone is heading for the beach.  You normally like the quiet times at home, but this month is going to be a little different.  The brightness of the Cancer Sun is filling your third house of communication, short journeys and mental energy.  You are going to talk your way right through the next few weeks with ease.  It may be a little difficult for others to take so remember you are turned up to high volume as Mars is also sitting close by to give that final burst in when needed all the way through to July 20th.  Communication is not one of your strongest traits, however you will get some help from the Gemini energy of the third house as well as the Cancer Sun.  Both are friendly and know how to talk just be careful one will make you boast and one will make you choke. All this energy will attract some colorful people and you could find yourself hosting a party you did not plan. But, relax building new friends and making amends with old ones is the lesson here.  It will be fun….you’ll see!  It may be best to avoid conflict for the first part of the Month especially around the Full Moon on July 9.  Pay attention to the opportunities around you.  You are in a position to get a lot accomplished, go back to school or invent a useful tool. Be prepared to be dismissed with regards to your ideas or inventions, but don’t be discouraged, work hard to present the best representation and have all your facts stated clearly.  The possibility is there just get in front of them and show them what you got. This is the month to take advantage of the energy that is meant for convincing others of your cause. The full moon isn’t all about communication or breakdown with the Full Moon in Capricorn investments will be a key. So, that party you were not intending to have turns out to provide information about an investment that has a great return for fulfilling your dreams.  You see; things aren’t so bad after all.  This whole month takes you out of your comfort zone.  Just run with it as it will come around again for quite some time.


july 2017, Gemini 22 May – 21 June….

Slow and steady is what you need, however it is not your style.  This month is learning how to pace yourself for the long haul. The powerful Cancer Sun sits in your 2nd house of money and power.  There is something brewing in the heat and you are about to find out what.  The second house is about your money but not your career, this brings me to an interesting point. Cancer is the Mother of all the Universe and wants to protect and nurturer her babies.  Right now, your money is your baby so nurturer and protect.  Watch you spending closely and chose investments wisely they will work out for you, but you have to trust it.  The Sun and Mars are working together giving the energy an additional boost. This is a time for you to show your worth and to make things happen. This alignment doesn’t happen very often so make sure you take advantage of the energy and don’t let it go to waste. There will be plenty of time for leisure once the work is done and in doing the work you can be assured that you have the cash in hand to do it right.  Because that’s the way you like it. The good thing is you won’t have to wait long because you will see results by the end of the Month when the Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd.  A clearer picture comes into view when the Full Moon hits, July 9th in Capricorn shifting your energy towards relationships.  This is a time for you to evaluate your relationships and determine how they are working for you and your future.  Be aware that you have some strong alignments involving the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus that indicates disputes that need to be resolved and can distract you from your goals. Being prepared will help you make good solid decisions. You are not one for routine, but routine is what you need this month if you are going to succeed in your goals. This can become stressful for you during the next few weeks as the focus shifts to making a future.  Money is the key to your existence and what you do with that money will determine what kind of future you will have.  A need to spend it all in one place is strong but will not leave you satisfied for the long term.  Give it a lot of thought before you decide. The New Moon on July 23rd will bring stimulating conversation and company.  Pay attention to the details, making sure you get the full benefit of the conversation.

july 2017, Cancer 22 June – 23 July…

Happy Birthday!!!  This is a great time for you Cancer, the Sun is lighting up your first house of “I am”.  Reflection, family and the focus on you.  Mars is also in your sign giving the Sun a great boost for the self.  Mars only shows up in your sign every two years and to be so close to the Sun is even more special.  You love to be special and this is definitely your time to feel it. It is time to be bold and courageous. The time is ripe and it is now time to take a bite.  The Full Moon on July 9th in Capricorn definitely fuels you with the energy to step out to sell yourself.  You are a likable person and now is the time to let others know especially those who can make a difference to your current life situation.  Don’t be shy…. not that you are, but sometimes it is easier to stay in the cozy comforts or home that you built. Negotiations are on the table somehow; someway you just need to find it. Your current situation is filled with egos and power struggles forcing you to look for a more balanced solution.  If you don’t then you will be dealing with this type of energy for the next couple of months due to alignments that include Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto.  These energies are urging you to make a change. Change is not always easy and it may be harder to deal with during the decision-making process and with Pluto in Capricorn standing opposite Mars can cause deep issues with your loved one.  Being clear on your intentions is possible and is needed in order to combat these outbursts.   Towards the end of the month around the 18th things become even more hostile when dealing with work or a person of power. To many rules and regulations can have you feel closed and un inspired yet not enough structure can have you feeling confused and without support. Thing will lighten up on July 22nd as the Sun moves into you 2nd house in the constellation of Leo.  Matters of the heart are back in line and you can think about all your options with your needs in mind.  New job or position could be in the works but wait until July 26th to do the negotiations when the Sun and Mars are at their best and close together.  If the opportunity comes earlier be sure to save the negotiations for this date; it will be worth it.


jluy 2017, Leo 24 July – 23 August…

Oh, don’t we all need a rest now and again? Well this is the time for you, dear Leo.  The Cancer Sun and fiery Mars are both sitting in your 12th house just looking for a break.  It’s not very often that these two are sitting side by side, so if they both are telling you to relax, I’d say you better listen.  You deserve it!  The last month has been a challenge to say the least so try and put your feet up for a while.  This will not be easy for you because you have a lot of loose end to clean up before you can fully rest up and enjoy the summer vacation. But don’t fear there will be time to get that beach day into your schedule. It will be beneficial and believe it or not could help you to relax enough that resolution comes out of nowhere. The Full Moon on July 9th will be powerful on you and even bring health issue to the forefront so you have to deal with them.  It is important that you pay attention, those problems aren’t going anywhere. Take care of yourself or the universe will make you!  Spend the first part of the month planning for the off days so you have something to look forward to and find ways to delegate so you can relieve some of your stress. This Full Moon provide a noticeable change in how your view your health regiments. Moving towards the New Moon on July 23rd you month is filled with stressful situations that need both your mental attention as well as physical.  You can handle it as long as you schedule some fun time in between.  Remember this is about endings so all this chaos and stress will end.  When the Sun and Mars make an exact meet up on July 29th in your sign of Leo…… Your guiding light will begin to shine once again. Rest up and be ready.


july 2017, Virgo 24 August – 23 September…

So; it is summer break!  Oh boy, Virgo get your party hat on the Cancer Sun and Mars has come to visit you in your 11th house of group and social events.  This is going to heat up your social game so make great use of this energy. Not only will you be out with the best of them you are going to make contacts that will prove to be useful in the future.  We all know that’s what you really want to know. How do I gain from all this socializing nonsense?  Well Virgo it will require you to enjoy yourself a little and keep a cool head. I know this could be challenging for you, but it must be done. Cancer and Mars are heating up your networking skills so you should probably keep your PowerPoint presentation close by and your pitch memorized just in case. If you do have a scheduled meeting use these energies to be prepared and sharp, they will notice.  Stay on your toes, but don’t let others get under your skin, it will be harder to bite your tongue with the alignments in your chart between the Sun, Pluto and Jupiter. These energies can cause anxiety and restlessness that will develop into conflict, starting with you.  Think before you speak and be sure that the topic is not inappropriate. A tendency to fly off subject or make an off handed insult will be high as you approach the Full Moon on July 9th. A need for attention can get you in quite a pickle around this time.  This month will seem like it lasts forever, with all the obligations you have but rest is on the way when the Sun and Mars moves into your 12th house on July 22nd.  This is the house of endings and internal reprieve.  When it comes take it you are going to need it.


july 2017, Libra 24 September – 23 October…

Your professional life is on display this month as the Cancer Sun is in your tenth house of career. This is a time to take care of loose ends and nurture your game plan for the rest of the year.  This is especially important as Mars is close by to set fire to any ventures you are working on. Even though this energy comes around every year at this time it does not always come with the force of Mars behind it.  The intensity can be overwhelming and you don’t always handle that feeling very well.  Be sure to recognize that Mars is here to help you not cause problems.  He is setting fire under feet so you don’t become lazy or complacent. You will have a chance to run off for some well needed rest and relaxation on July 9th with the Full Moon showing up in your domestic fourth house. This is good time to concentrate of health and relationships especially with a female or mother figure. Although this break will be short it is not lost.  This will carry you through the rest of the month until the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd.  As Mars and the Sun is working hand in hand this month they provide you with courage and style to accomplish anything. This is also a time to take care of unresolved issues or conflict with others, particularly male or father figures.  Your stress levels will be high due to Mars in Cancer, but it nothing that you can’t handle given the other planetary activity in your chart.  It will, however be required for you to get to your point quickly without straying from the topic. Stating the obvious is not always necessary. As you approach the end of the month and the Sun Moves into your 11th house of social events the energy will feel much lighter.  Feel confident when interacting with others; you know you are the flirty type, so let loose and be yourself. Meeting new people may be just what you need to end the month and discard those that are not serving you well.


july 2017, Scorpio 24 October – 22 November…

Your urge to be candid will be strong this month now that the Cancer Sun is encouraging your ninth house.  The Cancer energy is one that tells it like she sees it and with little to no filter.  When you combine that energy with the expansive, sarcastic and witty ninth house Sagittarius energy it will be difficult to hold in your thoughts.  This is not typical for you Scorpio and others will find it quite attractive. There is so much energy here with Mars working hand in hand with the Sun that there is bound to be some excitement and adventure in your life through July 22nd. Look for the opportunities in travel, education, spiritual awakening and expansion. Mars travels slow and only visits this area every two years and very rarely does he work alongside the Sun.  Both of these energies in Cancer encourages you to nurture your adventurous spirit and to trust your intuition a bit more than usual.  Not everything is set in stone and predictable. Allow yourself an opportunity to dream big and take some risks during this amazing time.  Opportunities will be there you, you just have to feed it, water it and care for it so that it will grow strong and serve you well. If you were looking for an opportunity to speak you mind and truth, this is the time to do it.  Use the charisma and confidence that this duo will offer and remember to keep it positive.  People will listen!  July 9th the Capricorn Full Moon gives you the business savvy to open doors and make opportunities happen as this Moon phase travels through your third house of communication. It will be a good time to send a message to others of encouragement and meaning. This month for you Scorpio is letting your voice be heard, however be careful that it’s not aggressive or condescending, that will defeat the purpose and only create chaos. You don’t talk much so when you do make it count and remember that you need to be able to handle any reaction.  This candor works both ways and you need to be prepared to respond with positivity and understanding. The Middle of the month around the 18th can prove to be challenging as Uranus in the 6th house of health squares up with Mars bringing obsessive thoughts and single mindedness.  Try to stay focused on the little details for everyday activities and not on the big picture at this time. This energy will pass as the Sun glides into Leo on July 22nd and brings a little light to your 10th house of social status. Keep in mind the ground work has been set and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.


july 2017, Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December…

A retreat is what you need, a little time for yourself, away from your normally active lifestyle.  Right now, your Sun is working in your 8th house of privacy, intimacy and secrets. The Scorpio energy will be noticed as the Cancer Sun and Mars is visiting this month.  This energy is asking you to nourish and protect your privacy and embrace your intimate time for rejuvenation. Mars’ aggressive nature is calmed a little as it stands in Cancer. However, there will be a need to be outspoken, candid and honest with those around you. This is not the time fo that, refrain from this type of communication, instead keep to yourself a bit more and if that is not an option then at least keep your comments to yourself. Otherwise unnecessary bantering will occur and only aggravate the situation. Sometimes saying nothing is more powerful than any words. Sharing intimate time with you love should be top on your list this month and if you are single you may by chance meet that someone special. The day to work is July 9th as the Full Moon illuminates your 2nd house of finances. Promotion or new job opportunity are all possible on this day so set your calendar to make your move. There is a strong energy coming from Mars so be sure to understand that stress is part of the process. Watch your spending as this energy will promote irresponsible spending. Your motto this month is to stay focused on the inside look for ways to turn frustration into creation. Although you may fee out of sort this month due to the subdued environment it will be necessary.  Starting on July 22nd when the Sun rushes into your ninth house in the constellation of Leo your life will be on turbo charge. You rule the ninth house and Leo is the fiery Lion to put social activities and grandeur back in your life. So embrace your alone time. Take special care of financial decisions and investments. Look to connect with the special people in your life and less with the hustle and bustle of the world.


july 2017, Capricorn 22 December – 20 January…

The activity will begin in your seventh house of one on one relationships.  The Cancer Sun will help you gain the perfect first impression with a special someone add in the feisty flare of Mars and you are sure to be the center of attraction. Your flirty nature and charisma is enhanced with this placement and is not an opportunity you will want to waste.  This is the time to make your feelings known to your special someone, or maybe it’s a time to approach the one you have had your eye on for a while.  The reception will be warm and positive. Let Cancer help to mother and care for an existing relationship or guide you through a new one.  Cancer is ruled by the Moon so emotions are especially sensitive at this time for you and Mars will add a bit of spark to those emotions that can be useful. Honesty and justice is what you are looking for this Month. This is a time to listen to your heart and not your head. This energy is encouraging you to follow and not lead. If this is not comfortable, it’s not supposed to be, but if you need some time to yourself it will be best taken at the Full Moon on July 9th. Work on a project that you neglected or make business calls that affect you personally.  Because the seventh house is about family relationships, obligation will become a part of your duties this month as well.  You will need to mend some fences both literally and figuratively in this department as Jupiter, Uranus and Sun have a little score to settle during this course of the month, so be prepared and do not be annoyed. Stressful Pluto siting opposite the Sun will push you to your limits but this will only strengthen you and provide you with clarity for the balance you need. The Libra energy of the seventh house is about balance and justice, if you look for the correlation throughout this month it will be clear the lessons that are being taught. Open you mind, heart and self…


july 2017, Aquarius 21 January – 19 February…

This is such an important time for you, dear Aquarius. Your Sun is putting a spot light on your sixth house of health and everyday activity.  The Cancer Sun encourages you to take special care of your health this month.  Be sure to get all the nutrients and exercise you need. Get a check-up or start a health regiment today! Mars is full of energy and spice that can push you to make changes if necessary for a better lifestyle that is healthier and more productive. However, it can also add stress levels if health issues are not dealt with quickly.  Mars is all about quick solutions so if you don’t make it a decision he will. So, as we all know you are capable of most anything and will push yourself beyond boundaries, this is not the time for that type of thinking.  Pushing yourself beyond limits will have a negative effect on your health this month and will only manage to slow you down.  You need to recognize this potential and do not gloss over it. Ask someone for help if you are determined to get a million things done in the next month. The Full Moon on June 9th will provide a little down time so take it. The Capricorn Moon knows how to slow down especially in your 12th house of rest and relaxation. You will need this break so take it.  Other alignments this month will make it difficult for communication and will promote misunderstandings that can become long term disputes.  Before engaging in conflict take a step back and really think about what you are looking to accomplish. It may be a better idea to wait or try communicating through email and not social media.  As the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd the energy will shift a little, however you will still be high demand only this time you are ready to handle it. After putting in place a new routine of exercise and healthy choices your mind and body is clear and ready to go.


july 2017, Pisces 20 February – 20 March…

Lights, camera, action…..This Cancer Sun and Mars combo in your 5th house of creativity, self-expression and joy is pretty intense. For most this type of energy is welcomed, but for you my Pisces friend it can be overwhelming and suspicious. These feeling comes from other aspects between Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and the Sun providing you with ups and downs during this month that will make you head spin.  These energies can also produce self-righteous behaviors and over confidence that can become part of a bigger issue later this month.  You will need to watch your ego as your integrity will be questioned and tested. Keeping a level head. Being confident in what you know and having compassion for what others don’t know will no doubt bring attention to your work.  So much energy this month is hot and fiery but it doesn’t have to be negative. Because Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is overseeing your emotions it would suggest that Mars is pushing your passion toward following an emotional dream. With this energy working in your house of creative and self-preservation you can’t help but shine and allow others to be a part of your creation.  This type of energy can thrust you forward in your work and make great things happen.  The Capricorn Full Moon on July 9th is a time for you to join new social groups, reach out to a group you are already a member or possibly do some volunteer work outside the home.  This full moon is located in your eleventh of social media, groups and organizations. The organization and hard work of the Capricorn energy makes this the best time to show others your potential. However, the energy is not heavy but light and airy so you can accomplish quite a bit without feeling the pressure. This is short lived as the Full Moon Passes and the energy shifts back to heavy and combative. Beware of jealousy from others and conflict with loved ones. Between the 18th and the 20nd Pluto squares Mars and cause irrational behavior all around. Probably best to stay away from conversation that seem to go nowhere. The mood changes drastically come July 22nd as the Sun Moves into fun loving Leo in your sixth house of health and daily routines.  This is more your style, working on yourself, health and your to do list.



Contact me,

And let us see,

What are you dreaming to be?





Full Moon May 10, 2017


The phase of the full Moon is a time for rest and meditation after completing the work you have been doing since you set your New Moon intentions 14 days ago.  It is a time to let the energy work for you as you watch the story unfold in what you have been working so hard towards.

Full Moon in Scorpio is full of intense emotions, after all Scorpio is dark, deep and full of mystery.  You will have no doubt that the work will get done with this placement, however it may not be just as you envisioned.  Her beauty will shine in the 7th house of partnerships and one on one relationships. Commitments and agreements will feel heavy and hard to accomplish. Try not to focus on getting things done and focus on the way you feel about the work.  Does if serve you? Do you enjoy or “desire” to get it done? Does it drain your energy or will the satisfaction of fulfilling the task be best feeling in the world? Answering these questions will help you stay on task or understand it is not worth doing today.

Scorpio will require a deeper understanding of what you are looking for especially in the relationship department, demanding that you do the work to achieve a balance as the 7th house is the house of the scales and must be in balance and harmony. She is there to provide you with the ability to truly understand an emotional connection you want and deserve.  Scorpio Full Moon has the ability to tear down walls as much as it can slam the doors shut, so be open and honest to FEEL and DESIRE.  These are two key words for the Scorpio Mysteries. She will remind you to be thankful, however has a tenancy to fester resentment.  This Full Moon is sitting opposite the Aries Sun that will add fire to flame of passion. So be prepared for a steamy night ahead full of heat and intimacy.  There is a twist though the Male and Female aspects of this combinations are in a difficult position causing confusion and arguments.  But do not fret, help is on the way……

A trine between the Scorpio Moon and the Pisces Neptune will give you the ability to be sensitive to the situation. Intuitive Pisces at home with Neptune can snuff out the flame before it gets too intense. Your intuition will be on high alert so make sure you listen to it. Tapping into your creative abilities as an escape is another great way to use this aspect and create a calming environment.

Look for support from your Mother or a Mother figure at this time as the trine between the Moon and the Mid heaven creates a strong energy that is motherly and safe.  This is also a great energy to gain perspective to where your life is going and how to get there.  Meditate on finding your path to your ideal future and regaining the closeness of a long-lasting relationship.

Scorpio Moon, Intense, rebirth, feeling and desire are all the part of this energy.

Activate Your Universe has what you need to help you understand the energies that embrace you. Visit www.activateyourunivers.com and let me know what I can do for you.



Don’t give up your belief for Astrology

I have been asked many times about Astrology and Religion:


Astrology is not a Religion, in the history of mankind Astrology was first proven as Science and incorporated in Astronomy, Medicine, Navigation and Time to only name a few.  Learning about how the Planets, Star formations, and the Universe moves within our Solar System is not a claim to a different belief or disbelief in God.  We have learned and evolved as a species to know that energy exists. Energy can be identified in everything we do, see, hear, feel, smell and taste. This energy was created for the good of everything and the systems put in place were put there for a harmonious balance.


In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth and said “let there be lights”.

The lights were formed by an event, an energy sent by the Creator in a certain manor so that we as humans can study and learn from it.  The Heavens and Earth were created with a Universe that was formed specifically for us to explore and uncover the Science behind it all.  If we did not have this basic idea then the conception of Science would not exist.  It is through Science we grow and have discovered, invented, imagined and produced all that we have today.  The intention is not to discount a belief in God, it is to know God. 


“and Let them be for signs” Gen 1:14


This is how our Human Race is to evolve, how we get to know the energy that has been graciously given to us and the power it has to guide us as an individual and as a whole. Through this energy, we can understand the lessons, purpose and love that is within our grasps for the good of all. It is because of this that our minds are curious and set free to explore not only our physical life but the energetic connection we have with each other, the universe and everything we can imagine.  This allows us to put differences aside, learn what it is to be compassionate, and feel love.  We can accepting all beings for what they are and for who they are and not judge by race, color, gender or beliefs. This includes accepting yourself and is key to the whole process in our quest.


I’ll give you an example of the how simple this is by explaining our basic instinct and ability to procreate in our likeness, children, who will grow up and be an individual through the guidance and support of their creator, parents.   


Animals, creatures, micro-organisms, macro-organisms, plants and humans have an instinct to survive and procreate.  However, we don’t just one day say “let there be a baby”, there is a process that needs to happen for the egg to be fertilized, the cells to divide and contract to form the little being that will eventually sprout, hatch or birth an offspring in their likeness.  Now, if the creation of these systems for each living thing did not have its own unique way to procreate and everything just appeared, do you think our technology, medicine, time and energy would exist as it does today?  These are all parts of a process necessary to peek our curiosity in order for us to study the workings of the universe (energy) and use these tools for our own evolution that will lead the collective souls to become the perfect beings we were created to be.


Much like the child that leaves your house. You have shown them, taught them, loved them and now you free them.  You are no longer there all the time to watch every move or tell them right from wrong, but you gave them the tools to make the discoveries in life that will ultimately lead the way for their greater good.  All you can do is hope they look for the signs and follow the path.


My hope for this piece is to help provide an understanding of Astrology as it relates to Religion.  It is not a belief system, we do not worship or praise it.  It is an understanding of the energy that is within our grasps and to provide guidance and support whenever we need it.  All we have to do is ask. Astrology is an insightful tool that brings compassion to others as the knowledge of each lesson unfolds in our own little hand book provided by the great creator of energy and produced by the great giver of life.