Don’t give up your belief for Astrology

I have been asked many times about Astrology and Religion:


Astrology is not a Religion, in the history of mankind Astrology was first proven as Science and incorporated in Astronomy, Medicine, Navigation and Time to only name a few.  Learning about how the Planets, Star formations, and the Universe moves within our Solar System is not a claim to a different belief or disbelief in God.  We have learned and evolved as a species to know that energy exists. Energy can be identified in everything we do, see, hear, feel, smell and taste. This energy was created for the good of everything and the systems put in place were put there for a harmonious balance.


In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth and said “let there be lights”.

The lights were formed by an event, an energy sent by the Creator in a certain manor so that we as humans can study and learn from it.  The Heavens and Earth were created with a Universe that was formed specifically for us to explore and uncover the Science behind it all.  If we did not have this basic idea then the conception of Science would not exist.  It is through Science we grow and have discovered, invented, imagined and produced all that we have today.  The intention is not to discount a belief in God, it is to know God. 


“and Let them be for signs” Gen 1:14


This is how our Human Race is to evolve, how we get to know the energy that has been graciously given to us and the power it has to guide us as an individual and as a whole. Through this energy, we can understand the lessons, purpose and love that is within our grasps for the good of all. It is because of this that our minds are curious and set free to explore not only our physical life but the energetic connection we have with each other, the universe and everything we can imagine.  This allows us to put differences aside, learn what it is to be compassionate, and feel love.  We can accepting all beings for what they are and for who they are and not judge by race, color, gender or beliefs. This includes accepting yourself and is key to the whole process in our quest.


I’ll give you an example of the how simple this is by explaining our basic instinct and ability to procreate in our likeness, children, who will grow up and be an individual through the guidance and support of their creator, parents.   


Animals, creatures, micro-organisms, macro-organisms, plants and humans have an instinct to survive and procreate.  However, we don’t just one day say “let there be a baby”, there is a process that needs to happen for the egg to be fertilized, the cells to divide and contract to form the little being that will eventually sprout, hatch or birth an offspring in their likeness.  Now, if the creation of these systems for each living thing did not have its own unique way to procreate and everything just appeared, do you think our technology, medicine, time and energy would exist as it does today?  These are all parts of a process necessary to peek our curiosity in order for us to study the workings of the universe (energy) and use these tools for our own evolution that will lead the collective souls to become the perfect beings we were created to be.


Much like the child that leaves your house. You have shown them, taught them, loved them and now you free them.  You are no longer there all the time to watch every move or tell them right from wrong, but you gave them the tools to make the discoveries in life that will ultimately lead the way for their greater good.  All you can do is hope they look for the signs and follow the path.


My hope for this piece is to help provide an understanding of Astrology as it relates to Religion.  It is not a belief system, we do not worship or praise it.  It is an understanding of the energy that is within our grasps and to provide guidance and support whenever we need it.  All we have to do is ask. Astrology is an insightful tool that brings compassion to others as the knowledge of each lesson unfolds in our own little hand book provided by the great creator of energy and produced by the great giver of life.


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